The GWG's(Ghetto Wild Girls) Ch.1 & 2

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The GWG's (Ghetto Wild Girls) Jasmine's POV

Chapter 1

Blast from the past

"Oh no you didn't just steal my best friend, Salina!"

"I sure did, hahaha!....what you gunna do about it?"

"Kevin is MY best friend Salina, M-I-N-E!"

"Oh just give it up Jasmine, he likes me better than you!"

This is how it has always been ever since Salina and I were in Jr. high school. Salina and I were the best of girl-friends; but there was always this one conflict that would encounter between us. The person that is the source of the conflict was Kevin. He is a really tall guy with nice black curly and his skin glows with the perfect sunset tan look. Kevin and I grew up in the hood together. He always stood up to the bullies for me in school. Every day after school he made sure I got home safe because living in Brooklyn could be scary, even if you live in a nice neighborhood like ours.

One day when Kevin was walking me home we saw a huge truck and a big muscular-looking man unpacking boxes. "Looks like we're getting a new neighbor," Kevin said. "Yupz...Let's go see who it is!" As we waited, out came a Spanish-looking chick with long brunette hair.

"Hi, my name is Salina!" She said with intense eyes looking like she was having a bad day.

"Hey, my name is Jasmine and this is my best friend Kevin!"

"Well hello there Kevin!"Said Salina looking as if she had a sparkle in her eye as she stared at him from his head to his brand new sneakers.

"Hi Salina, welcome to our hood we're did you move from." He said

"I came all the way from Mexico." She replied.

"Mexico that's so cool so you're like a foreigner?

"Yup I sure am! But I have my green card and my parents are applying for me to become a U. S. Citizen."

"Cool....!" Kevin said as he turned towards me seeing that I was gettin ready to leave him.

"I think you're cool to I think I am going to like living in this neighborhood!"Said Salina

"Umm hellooo?...I think it's about time for you to take me home now Kevin!" I said getting a little impatient because it was starting to get dark.

"Right....bye Salina see you later on the block!"

"Okay bye Kevin and umm what's your name again?"

"My name is Jasmine!" I yelled back.

"Oh yeah bye, Jazzy!" She shouted.

"Ugh! I can't believe that new girl forgot my name and she was talking to you the whole time. She completely forgot I even existed and I'm the one that greeted her first. Then she got the nerve to call me Jazzy when she barely even knows me!..." I said sharply as we were walking down the block.

"I think she likes you!" I quickly said after.

"She probably does but, Eww I don't want a girlfriend right now I'm too young and that's nasty!" Replied Kevin while giving a face.

"Oh shut up Kevin...thanks for walking me home again" I replied with smile on my face.

"You're welcome see you tomorrow!"He said

"Alright, bye Kevin!" I stood by the door a little longer to watch him walk across the street on to the other side of the block. I then turned around to lock the door behind me.

From that day on Salina, Kevin and I were three BFN's ( Best Friends for Now). Salina has always tried to take Kevin away from me! When we used to play hide-n-seek, she would always cheat by making me play in the dark and count to 20 very slowly while I was blindfolded. She would then grab Kevin's hand and run off leaving me blindfolded in the dark. Poor little me.

Chapter 2

Freshman Year: The Big Split

As we grew up, Kevin, Salina and I were still the three close friends. Salina and I were best friends ONLY because I could never get her off Kevin and since me and him were so close I had to cope with Salina. Plus we got to do girly things like painting each other's nails and doing each other's hair, that Kevin couldn't do. It was okay because Kevin and I were now dating each other! I have finally got him all to myself; and I couldn't be any happier!

But one day, ALL of that had completely changed. It was the end of freshman year at Brooklyn Public High School. I had to stay after school for some make-up work in Mr. Rogers Literature class. Oh how I hated that man!! But we will get into why later. He was the only literature teacher in the whole school and taught all grades. Regardless of how much I disliked him, I had to put forth the effort to reason with the man.

After I finally arrived home, I was greeted with the most shocking, jaw-dropping picture in my face! My boyfriend and my so called BFN Salina was getting it right before my eyes in MY bedroom! I felt so betrayed and broken-hearted.

"Bitch, what the fuck are you doing with my boyfriend!" I screamed towards Salina.

"Umm....Jasmine I'm so sorry, he seduced me!"

"No don't listen to Salina! She has been dropping hints all year!"Said Kevin as he stared into my eyes trying to convince me into believing him.

"You know what....Just forget it! I don't want to hear this anymore, Kevin we're done and Salina...this friendship is OVER! Here take your stupid little charm bracelet back!"

As the charm bracelet fell on the hard wood floor, I felt as if I have dropped a ticking bomb on the ground and I have to run as far as my legs and take me to be safe and be set free. Unfortunately, shortly after it was Kevin that has left and moved all the way to the other side of the country to California. As for me and Salina, we were the best of enemies....and that was just the way things were going to be.


Didnt like the Story? Well maybe it wasn't the plot? Maybe the point of view?

Is Jasmine really all that innocent? Maybe Salina isn't really all that terrible...Who know's? Check out Salina's side of the story. Visit to figure out! =)

Ps. To everyone that has read/voted/commented and became a fan of my story I would just like say that you guys have made my day! Like sooo serious....Amber and I were on the fone yelling and screaming at each other with the biggest smiles on our faces while reading outloud what you had to say. If you guys were my next door neighbors I would just run up and give you a hug! lol But thank's again soooo very much! =)



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