Ch. 5: The New Couple In School

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The New Couple in School

"Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong!"

The bell rang and it was time for 3rd period. I left Mr. Roger's class feeling very down in the dumps. I had just lost Jake. Jake was the only other guy-best friend I've had since that jerk Kevin. I grabbed my purse and binder and walked to class reminiscing on the day we became friends. We met before sophomore year.

I was walking down the block one day, when I overheard loud arguing and the crashing of things in an apartment on the bottom floor. Moments later, I saw a tall drunken man with dirty blonde hair bust threw the apartment building's door and drove off recklessly down the streets.

"You stupid man!" I heard a boy yell out.

I turned around to find a pale boy with straight jet black hair and scars standing outside the door. He slammed the door shut and stormed down the sidewalk cursing out life itself. I ran after to him to see if I could offer anything to help.

"Hey, umm are you okay?"

"NOOO...! My father just came home drunk again. He does this all the time! He shouted aggressively as if he was ready to punch someone in the face to release all of his anger.

"Whoa...calm down! I'm sorry to hear that." I said coming closer to the boy. "I know this probably wouldn't help, but my father died when I was in middle school. Till this day, I still cry over him. Instead of criticizing your father, encourage him to stop drinking as much. That's the least you can do."

There was a long awkward silence. I could tell that he was still very heated. Suddenly, the boy started walking towards me. I backed away slowly not knowing what to expect from the rage filled stranger.

The more I backed away, the closer the boy got to me; until I was at the very edge of the sidewalk next to the fast paced traffic of the busy city. He finally got me where he wanted me. The boy smiled and pulled me close to him away from the edge of the street. He then gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you." The boy said. "You made me feel a little bit better."

He invited me into his house and we sat on his couch telling each other about our parents. He explained to me that his mother got murdered the previous year and ever since then, his father been feeling very depressed and began drinking heavily. That day we bonded by expressing our emotions towards our parents; and became the best of friends.

I entered Ms. Kitty's math class and the first thing I noticed was Jake in the back of the class. He spotted me and sunk further into his desk trying to ignore me. I rolled my eyes and looked across the classroom and found a seat right next to Sara.

"Hey Jasmine, what's wrong with Jake? I waved at him and he just ignored me." Sara asked.

"Jake is no longer our friend anymore..." I replied while placing my things down and taking my seat.

"Why is that?" She asked with a surprised look on her face.

"He doesn't want to hang with any of us after the incident that happened to me in the club."

"Oh wow... he didn't even show any sympathy for you! What a terrible friend!" She shouted.

Ms. Kitty walked in and told the class to quiet down as everyone was all chattering loudly.

"Good morning class! I have your warm ups on the board. Complete them in 15 minutes before I start your math lesson for today.

Sara, being the smart friend that is all into her academics, quickly hurried off to complete the assignment. I didn't want to bother her so started the warm up as well. I did the first three numbers and got stuck on the forth one. I turned around at the guy with curly brown locks with light brown eyes beside me and asked if he understood how to complete the forth problem.

"Dude . . . you know how to do number 4?"

"No, I didn't even start yet." He replied.

I gave him a good look and noticed that the guy was Nick. A total man whore...he sleeps with any chick and leaves them the next day.

"Oh, okay then Nick." I said then turned around to face my desk again.

"Hey... hey..." I heard Nick whispered but tired to ignore him so that I could complete my work.

"Hey Jasmine!" he said once more but way louder.

"What Nick? Don't you see I'm trying to complete my warm up?" I sharply replied.

"Hush... I think you're cute and I would love to get to know you a little bit better." He said

"Well that's nice...I bet you say that say thing to every other chick you meet."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, but everyone knows that you slept with like more than half the girls in this school already and you are not about to add me to your list of girls!" I replied while still staring at my paper.

"I was just trying to be nice dang...can't a guy express his feeling towards a girl he really likes?" He said still staring at me.

"You don't like me. You just want to get me in bed with you!"

"No I'm serious Jasmine I like you as a friend and I would value your friendship if you were to ever agree to be friends with me."

I thought about what Nick said and decided to swear off guy friends.

"I don't want to have another guy friend because they all end up being jerks in the end!" I said getting a bit angry.

"Fine I will leave you alone then." He said with a little sadness in his voice. "I guess I will never find a true friend."

Those words touched me. I could feel how he felt, never having a true friend. I told him I understand how he feels and that I will consider being his friend if he can prove to me that he is different from my other "guy-friends". Nick and I spent the rest of the class period getting to know one other better and telling each other about our previous friendships gone wrong. I realized that we had a lot in common. Maybe Nick was such a jerk like how I thought he would be.


The next day at school there was a huge topic that everyone was talking about! Jake and Salina being together! She came to school acting like a wannabe emo chic wearing all black clothing with black painted nails and heavy eyeliner. Salina kept boasting about how she took Jake virginity and now she thinks she's the shit now. I couldn't believe that Jake would actually date her knowing that she has been our enemy for the longest time!

As Jodie, Sara, and I walked down the halls we spotted Salina and Jake holding hands while walking down the halls.

"Yo what the heck... that jerk is dating that Salina chick now?" Jodie said loudly enough for the new couple in school to hear.

"Yea but who cares... two belong with each other Jake's a jerk and Salina is a bitch so they clicked easily." I replied

"Jake is such a bad friend." Sara concluded.

"Well it doesn't matter...I found out that Nick isn't half bad. I'm considering being his friend." I told the girls.

"NICK! . . . As in the man whore of the school!" Jodie replied shocked.

"You better hope that he's just not trying to get to you next Jaz." said Sara.

"Well I guess we'll just have to see girls...we will see."


Thank's for reading! =)

Don't forget to check out Salina's side of the story at

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