5. Getting ready

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I'm now in front of Caroline's house. I got out of your car and went in.

"Caroline! I missed you!"

I  hug my best friend.

"Well, I missed you too. Come in."

I came in and sit down on the couch.

"Where Eric?"

"Well he's working as usual."

Just then, I saw Caroline take her baby out and I am super excited.

"Ahh... Aaron!"

I get up and walk to him.

"Can I hug him?"

"Yeah sure."

I've been playing with Aaron for the rest of the day and I'm not getting bored. I liked baby, just that... nahh.

"Boo boo"

Aaron laughed.

"Get yourself a baby. " Caroline said as she pick up the toys on the floor.

"Oh... You know I'm still working."

"Don't work then."

"I have to. I'm the only daughter of the William's family."

"Carren, you know I always supports you no matter what, right?"

I nodded.

My phone rang when I was in the kitchen. I saw 'Mum❤' and quickly pick up.


"Yes mum?"

"Can you come home now?"


"We have a dinner planned."

"Wha- When?"

"In 2 hours."

"You didn't tell me about this. "

"I'm sorry, honey. "

"It's okay. I'll go back now."

"Okay. Bye. "

"Bye, mum. "

I hang up and look at Caroline, making a sad face.

"Why?Need to go home?"
I nodded.

"Alright, come here."

Caroline hug me and so do I . Then,I  take my bag and go out.

"Bye Carol."

"Bye Carren. Let meet together at cafeteria when you have time."


With that, I went in my car and start the car engine. I then drove off.

At home....

I arrived at my house and saw my mum waiting outside. She look so anxious, waiting for me to come out from car.

'That's weird. ' I thought.

I walk towards my mum.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"Come. Quickly change your outfit and wear the dress that is on your bed. She push me to the stairs.

"Why? It just dinner. "

"Talk less and get ready. " She said.

"Fine. "

I walk upstairs and went in my bedroom. I saw a pretty light pink dress on my bed.

"Woah..... " I walk towards it.

It so pretty but what was it for? It just dinner. I don't want to think much so I went in the bathroom and bath. I quickly get ready and of course, perfume is a must.

And now, I'm ready to go.

"Honey, are you done?" Mum shouts from downstairs.

"I'm done. " I said as I walk down the stairs.

Both of their eyes are wide open. Dad look so shook and Mum look so..... surprise?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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