The Murphy

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Ok so what I did was combined the 2nd episode with the 1st since cause it would have only been a page.

As we were driving away from the blast, we turned into a tunnel and our car was pushed into the air and flipped. When we stopped moving, I felt the blood dripping from my head and my left arm was pinned underneath the seat.
"Watch the shoulder." said Doc as Warren pulled him out.
"Where's Autumn?" asked 10k
"Here!" I was in the back seat and 10k saw my arm pinned and all the blood.
"Holy shit. Warren can you give me a hand?" asked 10k
Warren lifted the seat and 10k pulled me out. I was out of it from the blood loss and the shock. 10k picked me up bridal style as we walked over to the end of the tunnel.
"Is that snow?" asked 10k as he trying to stop the bleeding.
"Nah, that's not snow. That's ash. Radioactive fallout." said Warren
"Crap." said Doc. The radio started to play.
"This is Citizen Z broadcasting on all frequencies. This is an emergency broadcast. Repeat. This is an emergency broadcast. Literally life and death for the human race. Now there's a man traveling among you. He's the only human known to have survived a zombie bite. His blood has the antibodies to create a vaccine. Now it is imperative that he be transported alive to the Centers for Disease Control Lab in California. His name is Murphy. Last seen in Fort Collins, Colorado. Six foot two. Dark hair. Numerous bite marks on torso. Known to control zombies. Should be considered armed and dangerous. Keep alive at all costs. Repeat. Keep him alive at all costs. The Centers for Disease Control is offering an enormous bounty for Murphy's safe delivery to be paid in whatever form you desire, as well as being first in line for any cure developed. If you can hear this broadcast Save humanity. Save yourself. Find Murphy."
We started walking as 10k carried be and Warren helped Doc walked. Once we got to a junkyard I told 10k to stop and I got up and threw up. I was really dizzy and the dehydration wasn't helping.
"Let's get you over here." 10k said as he helped me walk over to lean against a car with Doc beside me. 10k looked at my arm and said, "Doesn't look broken but it is probably a sprain."
Warren was looking at Doc shoulder when she noticed something.
"What is it?" asked Doc.
" The bleeding stopped." said Warren
"Just go. Find me a hole to crawl in. Leave me a weapon and some ammo." said Doc
"Hey. Nobody's leaving you here to die. Here, take the last of the water." I said to Doc. "Your old ass ain't dying yet, not if I can help it."
"We wait here too long, we might be too weak to go look for help. I've only got a day in me without water, if that." said Warren looking around..
"Well I don't think Autumn and I are going anywhere, Chief. Especially with her head injury." said Doc.
"I'm going to see if I can find food or help while I still got the strength. If I'm not back in 48 hours, you're on your own." Warren said.
"Good luck Warren." I said. She crouched down and hugged me. "I'm gonna find you some things for your head while I'm out." Then she walked off.
I looked up and saw a tower blinking like a code. "Guy's look! We need to check it out."
We made it to the tower and I started to cry because I saw Mac and Addy but a Z was on him. "10k help them I got Autumn." said Doc.
"Three thousand ninety nine!"
"We saw your signal!" I said as I tried running for them but collapsed on Mac because I was dizzy. 
We told them the story of what has happened and Addy helped wrapped my head and gave me water while Mac helped Doc.
I looked up and saw Warren coming over the hill in a truck. We all got in the truck and turned on the radio where someone in Spanish was saying Murphy is in Cheyenne. When we got into Cheyenne we started looking around.
"Okay so we all need to think like Murphy. Get inside his zombified head. And I know that's a scary place to be. But where would you hide if you were Murphy?" said Warren
We drove past a strip club when Doc told us to stop.
"Hey, hold on! You say think like Murphy? Hell, they might as well have his picture on the sign." said Doc.
We all got out and walked in.
"Hey, guys. What the hell took you so long?" said Murphy
"Murphy, you son of a bitch." said Warren.
"Yeah, what she said." said Doc
"Now, now, Roberta. Is that any way to talk to an old friend?"
Warren went up and slapped him. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. That hurt." said Murphy
"Oh. I'm just getting started." Warren said.
"What happened to you."Murphy said looking at my head and at my wrist. 10k held me behind him and stared at him.
"Now come on, Chief. Hey. Don't forget the mission. Come on." said Doc
"You damn near got us killed. And you did kill millions of other people and the blast nearly killed us." Warren said looking at me and Doc.
"Didn't you get the memo? The Apocalypse means never having to say you're sorry. I was just following the prime directive of this mission. Save Murphy's ass. Let's not forget. If I die, party's over for the human race. If you want to blame somebody, blame that nutjob Doctor Kurian. Or your little buddy Citizen Z." said Murphy looking at me apologetic.
"Maybe we should tie you up for your own good." said 10k. All of a sudden Cass came out and hissed at him.
"Cassandra!" I yelled.
"You're alive." said 10k looking at her but she wasn't herself. "What did you do to her?"
" Saved her life."
"I'm sorry. What is she wearing? Is that mildly impractical for the Apocalypse?" said Addy
As Cass was dressed in a fur coat, leggings, boots, and a bra.
"You try dressing a classy lady in Cheyenne, Wyoming." said Murphy
"Hey, is anybody else concerned that there's all these Zs standing around here?" I said
"Don't worry. They're friendly. As long as I'm friendly."
"Come on, Murphy. We got to get you to California." said Doc
"Yeah. About California You know after everything that happened, the nukes and all I'm not so sure I'm down with the whole saving humanity thing. I'm not so sure humanity is worth saving." said Murphy.
"You're going to California." said Warren.
"You don't even know if California is still there."
"Well look if you won't do it for humanity, do it for yourself, Murphy. You need that vaccine more than anybody. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You may be styling, but you're turning zombie, brother." said Doc.
"Brother Maybe there are worse things than being a zombie. Maybe being a starving fearful violent vindictive human is worse. But hey! It is the Apocalypse! Let's have some fun! Let me show you what I've been working on. Come on. Grab a seat. You're gonna love this. The Apocalypse will still be waiting for us when we're done." said Murphy as he got on the stage. Mac helped me sit down and kept me steady. "Ah, so nice to see so many familiar faces in the audience tonight! Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for the one the only Chantrelle." The curtain opened a stripper zombie came out and started dancing around the pole.
"Oh my God." Addy and I said.
"Well I hope she ain't working for tips." said Doc.
The Z started spinning faster and faster until she flew off with her hands still on the pole.
"Ta-da! I know. I know. The finale needs a little work. But hey, let's hear it for Chantrelle!" Murphy said clapping.
" Is this a private show or can anybody watch?" said a guy who came in through the door." Everyone grabbed their weapons.
"Ah ah ah. Leave your weapons right where they are. Don't make me have to shoot anybody. There's enough zombies in this world already." said the guy.
"What do you want?" asked Murphy
" Your name wouldn't happen to be Murphy, would it?"
" Nope."
"Lot of people looking for you Mr. Murphy." he said
"Hold on, This man he's our prisoner." said Warren
"Well he's my prisoner now." he said
"Sorry. She's right. We got dibs on him. And we're taking him to California." said Doc
"No, you're not. He's coming with me."
"Where?" I said
" To the highest bidder. CDC in California aren't the only ones willing to pay for his blood."
"Why does everybody always talk about me like I am not standing right here? You know there's only one problem with all of your plans for The Murphy. I ain't going anywhere with any of you." said Murphy as he left which caused the Z's to go after us.
"We got to get out of here." I yelled
"I know. I can't stand this music. Let's go!" Doc said as we all rushed outside.
"What do we do now, Chief?" asked Doc
"I made a promise to a little girl. And I'm gonna keep it. We are going to find Murphy, get him to California, and they're going to make a vaccine and save the world. And I'm gonna kill any bounty hunter that gets in my way." said Warren
"Sounds like a plan. Any idea which way Murphy went?" asked Doc
"He went that way." I said pointing North.
"Okay. Let's go get Murphy back." Warren said as we ran after him.
We went after Murphy with all of the bounty hunters going after him. I was left on my own since I couldn't run. I sat by the truck and waited for everyone while protecting it. After about 15 minutes everyone came running back and Murphy got in the van.
"What happened?"
"God damn bounty hunters" Said Warren
All of a sudden Addy came out and started beating Murphy. She was crying and Warren grabbed her to back off.
"Addy, what happened? Where's Mac" she nodded her head and I started to bawl.
"No no No no." I Said as we hugged and cried.
Everyone was crying but we knew we had to move on. We got in the van and I kept crying with Addy until we both fell asleep in the back.

10K's Sister (Znation) Season 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz