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I woke up in the back seat of the truck and I felt so weak. I turned to and saw I was laying against 10k.
"What happened?" I asked trying to sit up.
"Hey stay still ok. You went into shock and we almost lost you. Doc saved your life. Vasquez got you an IV bag to keep you hydrated while we added antibiotic." said 10k.
"How long have I been out?"
"2 Days."
"How do you feel?" asked Doc.
"My leg hurts and I feel weak and dizzy but otherwise I'm fine." I said to Doc as he took my temperature. " 102. Why don't you try eating some food and drinking some water." said Doc.
"Here as long as you keep drinking water you don't need this IV." Doc told me as he took the needle out. "Oh ya, take these antibiotics." Doc said as he gave me a couple of pills.
I took the pills and ate a little bit.
"Hey kiddo you scared the hell out of us." Said Murphy grabbing my hand. I smiled.
"We need to get off the road. I don't like being so far in Zero's territory. But I guess we really don't have a choice." said Vasquez. As we were driving, we saw some Z's along the way and 10k shot them. "Four thousand two hundred and thirty four. And a third."
"Take the whole kill dork just because he doesn't have arms doesn't make him a third."
He looked at me and smiled. "Thirty-five."
I kept laying down as I was against Addy who was looking out the window. I looked up at her and smiled.
"You know they used to find mutilated cattle out here, back Pre Z." said 10k.
"Mutilated cattle? Like X-Files mutilated cattle?" said Doc.
"Yeah, my uncle knew all about it. Aliens did it."
"Have you been smoking my Z weed?" asked Doc.
"Well maybe you better start."
"You believe in UFOs?" I asked Doc.
"That's ridiculous. Aliens don't exist. If they were smart enough to get here, they wouldn't put up with the dumb-ass human race for a minute. It's pure science fiction." said Murphy.
"That's what people said about zombies." I said.
"Well, I mean maybe there's zombies. But there sure as hell ain't no aliens." I started to get up and try to walk to the police car.
"Hey, why are you walking?" asked 10k.
"10k it's 5 feet away. I'm not helpless." I walked over to abandoned police car on the side of the road and sat in the front seat.
Doc P.O.V
"She is gonna need more antibiotics soon or we are gonna have a repeat of what happened the other day and she won't be strong enough to make it." I said to Warren.
"How much do you have left." Warren asked me.
"I have enough for a couple of days tops but her leg is better. The stitches I used will dissolve anytime but with her immune system so low, we have to be careful of what happens. You saw her, she wants to walk and she needs to get her strength up if we do run into a hoard."
"Alright, once we get of this desert, we will hunt down the nearest pharmacy and get her antibiotics."
Autumn P.O.V
I got the radio to come on and I was looking for a signal anywhere.
"Come on, baby. Don't fail me now." Addy came back over and sat in the passenger seat. When she sat down, some kind of gibberish came through the radio.
"What the hell kind of language is that?" Addy asked. Addy whistled everyone over and we listened. "Sounds like alien crosstalk to me." said Doc.
"Now you're just saying that to piss me off, aren't you?" said Murphy.
"Guys look." I said. There was a strange light in the distance and it was like waving.
"Am I the only one a little creeped out?" said Doc.
"Anybody have eyes on where that light's coming from?" asked Warren. The light then went over us and crashed about a mile out.
"Well that was exciting." said Vasquez.
"I don't want my apocalypse any more exciting than it already is thank you." said Murphy.
"Somebody wanna go ahead and tell me what that was?" Warren said.
"A plane? Been seeing those contrails for a while." said Vasquez.
"Is that possible? Somebody flying something." I asked.
"All right, listen. My dad was this no bullshit, tell it like it is, Air Force pilot. He told this story about seeing this brightly lit craft buzzing over him in northern Nevada. And it made him a total believer and even as a little girl, I like I wondered." said Addy.
"Well wonder no more. Zombies got here first. There are no aliens." said Murphy.
"Well I dunno. A UFO seems more likely than somebody still able to fly a jet today. Especially one that can do that." said Doc,
"I'm telling ya Don't make me bite you." Murphy said to Doc. "Kidding."
"Let's see if there's something for us to go believe in." said Doc.
"Okay, Addy. You and Autumn follow us in the car. We are gonna walk up and see about this crash. Just in case we need to make a getaway." We got in and drove up to the site. Addy stayed in the car but I wanted to look.
"Looks like something crashed all right." Warren said as we over and saw the ground was torn up and there were mini fires.
"If it was a plane, we should definitely find it and fly it the hell out of this apocalypse. It's a lot faster than driving." said Doc.
"No thanks. Last time I got in a plane, it didn't end so well." said Murphy.
"Does anything in your life?"
"Yeah, well it didn't look like any plane I've seen." said Warren
"Welcome to Rozwell. With a Z." I said reading the sign. I looked around and saw something big was in the grass about 100 meters away.
"Murphy's right. Whatever it is, it isn't extraterrestrial." said Vasquez.
"What, some kind of drone?" asked 10k.
"Maybe." It was spinning and waving around.
"What kinda drone moves like that?" I asked as 10k came over.
" I'm telling ya, my uncle" said Addy.
"Don't say it."
"Well it's definitely been here a while. Probably crashed back when everything went bad. Looks like there's some markings here." I said.
"Kinda weird." said 10k.
"It's not a plane. There's no wings." said Warren.
"Helicopter or something.?" I asked.
"Yeah, but where are the rotors?"
"Guys, what is this?" I asked.
"If anyone says flying saucer, I'm out of here." said Murphy.
"Well it sure looks like a An airborne disc of some kind." said Doc
"Well whatever it is, it's not the thing we saw last night. So let's keep going." said Warren
"Into Roswell?" asked Murphy.
"We need supplies." said Warren looking at Doc.
"Great, more alien huggers." said Murphy
"Never mind aliens. Puppies and kittens, people." Warren yelled. I looked and saw all the Z's starting to come. I grabbed my gun and started shooting.
"Couple more over here." I yelled.
"Four thousand two hundred thirty-six. Thirty-seven."
"Three o'clock." I yelled and ducked.
"Four thousand two hundred thirty-eight."
"Kid's on a roll." said Vasquez.
I hugged 10k and we got in the truck and drove towards Rozwell. We drove up to what looks like a military base and got out. My leg was starting to hurt so 10k carried me.
"The only thing the good people of Roswell believe in is liberating money from suckers." said Murphy.
"Looks like we got some believers inside." I said as someone came out.
"Are you here for the Visitors?" He asked.
"Have you been touched by Bernadette?"
"Who?" Warren asked.
"Don't worry. I'm Roy. I'll help you with the orientation."
"Yeah. For the exodus."
"What exodus?"
" It's okay to be confused. Many new arrivals are. We had a guy from Riverside, Iowa show up, thought he was a starship captain." said Roy as we started to walk inside.
"Does Doc have any medicine?" I whispered to 10k.
"Are we supposed to understand what the hell you're talking about?" said Addy.
"You've been drawn here by inexplicable visions of leaving the planet on a chariot of fire, right?" asked Roy.
"No. We were drawn here by inexplicable visions of finding food and gas." said Murphy.
"You didn't have a dream of a large elongated human form with almond eyes telepathically urging you to come to Roswell at this appointed time?" asked Roy.
"Nope. We did see some really strange lights in the sky last night though." said 10k.
"Everything's strange to you. You grew up in a cave." Murphy said to 10k.
"Well the important thing is that you're not too late. Let me show you around before Bernadette returns. I'll introduce you to your fellow Xtronauts." Roy said
"Xtronauts?" I said
"Hey, man. These these aliens that you're looking for, they're not the probing kind are they?" asked Doc.
"No. We are not abductees. Those people are crazy. We're inductees. We've been invited, not kidnapped. We refer to ourselves as Xtronauts because we will be the first humans to explore the alien world." said Roy.
"So, ummm. How do you plan on doing that exactly?" Warren asked.
"Oh shit. Here darling, I forgot I'm supposed to give you 2 of these twice a day for about a couple days until your immune system is back up again." Doc said as he handed me some pills. I grabbed my water and took the pills as they kept walking.
"10k put me down. I need to walk some." He set me down and we continued walking with him beside me.
"The Visitors are coming to save us from the apocalypse. We have been chosen, and they're almost ready. Just six more days. Bernadette is in close contact with them." said Roy.
"Bernadette?" Addy asked.
"We've all seen them. But she's the only one they communicate with." said Roy.
"And Roy, the aliens that you communicate with, do they by any chance use a radio?" I asked
"Radio is far too primitive for them. They don't need our technology. They communicate with her telepathically." Bernadette came out of an office and started to get excitied.
"He is here." she yelled.
" Who is here?" asked Warren.
"The Emissary." she said pointing to Murphy as we walked into a cafeteria of some sort.
"We hope you like teriyaki chicken. It's all we have left." said Roy.
"No beef stroganoff?" asked Murphy.
"I'm sure it will be fine. Thank you." I said. We all got our food and sat down at a table.
"How long we gonna let them think that Murphy's their emissary?" asked Addy.
"As long as they keep giving the emissary food and water. We'll be out of here soon enough." said Warren.
"After you, your Emissary." someone said as Murphy came over.
"Savior of the human race wasn't good enough for you, huh Murphy? Needed to be the alien ambassador too." I said to Murphy laughing,
"I'm working my way up to Supreme Leader of the Planet." Murphy said smiling. A guy came over to the table and stood by me.
"Can I help you?" Vasquez asked as he got up.
"Dan. Dan Scully. And I bet you don't believe any of this alien exodus crap either do you?" asked Dan. "No, we don't."
"Neither do I. These people are nuts." said Dan.
"So what are you doing here?" Warren asked.
"Just passing through when I came upon these folks. They think they've been actually seeing UFOs and this Bernadette chick has been talking to them. Someone who knows better than to believe that UFOs are coming to save us. So you wanna know what's really going on?"
"Not really." said Murphy.
"Don't listen to him. Of course we want to know what's really going on." Addy said.
"The aliens are not coming to save us. Because they're already here." Dan said.
"I told you we didn't want to know what's going on." said Murphy looking at Addy.
"They've been here for thousands of years. They're the ones who caused the zombie virus. They live inside Pluto, which isn't really a planet. It's really a hollowed out spaceship." said Dan.
"Okay. You know this is all very informative, but I'm due back on planet Earth, so." said Murphy.
"Oh, I know. You think I'm crazy."
"Yeah, I do."
"Well these days crazy stays alive. If I was you people, I'd get out of here before the zombie aliens come back and infect us all." He said grabbing me. "Do it now before it's too late."
"Doc." Doc had his gun ready but I gave them the look to stand down.
"And whatever you do, do not listen to that Bernadette chick. She will get you all killed."
"Okay. You know what." I punched my elbow in his gut and turned around and kneed him in the nose. "Don't ever grab me again."
"Damn girl nice moves. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Time to go." Doc said as he high-fived me.
"What about that aircraft "thing" we saw? That can fly us out of here." Addy said.
"There's an Air Force base here actually. They abandoned it back in the 60's. But that's just a cover story." said Warren.
"Well I want to believe in UFOs. I mean if somebody wants to fly my ass off this god forsaken planet, I'm cool with it." Said Doc.
"Are you serious? Are we actually talking about going to an abandoned Air Force base in Roswell to see if we can find a UFO to fly us to California." Said Murphy.
"Well when you say it like that" I Said.
"You mean in English?"
"Look. We did see something. And that something was flying, which means there's a ground crew with fuel, food, and communication. And I want to get a look at that base." Said Warren
"Maybe your buddy Dan can show us the way to Pluto." Said Murphy sarcastically.
"I can show you." said Bernadette behind us.
"Oh my god."
"How long have you been there?" Warren asked surprised.
"A while."
"Okay. That's not creepy at all." said Addy.
"I can show you where the base is. It's not far. I go there all the time. That's where they contact me." she said.
"The aliens?"
"They prefer the term Visitors."
"Who knows, maybe we'll find a plane and a radio. Or bigfoot." Warren said as we started to laugh.
"Hey, don't laugh. My uncle had a Sasquatch pelt." Doc said.
"Come. I'll show you."
"Autumn stay here and see and keep an eye on these people. If anything happens come get us." Warren said to me.
"Ok, be careful."
They all went to follow Bernadette and I sat down in front of the base and watched them go.
1 Hour Later
I was still sitting out front eating an apple when an explosion filled the sky where 10k and everyone were. I stood up and everyone started to come out of the base.
"Go back inside and lock the doors." I yelled as I started to run to where the crash happened.
I got to the crash site and saw everyone surrounding something.
"Are you guys ok I saw the lights and the explosion. I was worried sick! Did you see the Visitors? What did they say?" I asked as everyone looked at Bernadette.
"They said we need to wait longer. The human race isn't ready yet."

10K's Sister (Znation) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now