The Collector

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It's been 3 days and I've tried to keep the wound clean. I poured alcohol on it and kept it as a secret.I looked over and listened to Warren and the others. They were going over of what we have.
"Flashlight. No batteries. Half a bottle of aspirin." said Doc
"Well I got no ammo." said Addy.
"I got two batteries and four bullets." said 10K.
"I got two in my gun and two randoms in those." said Warren.
"You got gum?" said Doc looking at Addy.
"For repair purposes only." Addy said.
"Couple of bullets. Road flares. I got one empty clip." said Vasquez
"You know what. See if these fit." Warren said as she handed him the extra bullets. "I know this looks shaky, but we will find a way to get Murphy to California."
"Well I'm hungry. Hey, Sleeping Beauty." Doc said kicking Murphy. "Murphy! Wake up man."
"Help me find some lunch." Doc said as him and Murphy got up and started to look around.  I was looking around when I saw a red bin.
"Addy! Look!" We went over to look and it was 2 full gallon containers of gas. We grabbed them and showed them to the group.
"Nice Job!" Warren said. "Let's roll!". "Two gallons, maybe three. If we get ten miles a gallon It'll get us halfway to Plainview." said Warren.
"Wait! What about Doc and Murphy." I said as Doc then came out of the forest next to us.
"Hey, where's Murphy?" Asked Warren as Vasquez set me in the back of the truck with a blanket.
"He's right behind me." Doc said as he turned and saw he wasn't there. "Damnit Murphy!"
"What do you mean, he was just behind you?" said Warren. We all started to go back and look.
"I'm gonna be really pissed if my last words are "Murphy, where are you?" We might as well be saying, Here we are, zombies. Come and get us." said Doc.
"Murphy better hope he's not around when I reach 9,999." 10k said as we started to look around while I leaned against him.
"Easy, kid. We got to find him first. Well I think it's somewhere around Oh and don't eat the bark off them skinny trees. Starts out tangy then goes south in a hurry. Oh maybe it was over here." said Doc
"I was hoping we'd find him here napping."
"That slippery bastard's gonna spend the rest of his day in shackles if I have anything to say about it." said Warren. We went back into the truck and drove  until we drove into a town. Everyone got out of the truck while I stayed in the back with a blanket.
"You guys go I'll watch the truck." I said as every walked.
"Murphy!" Doc yelled.
"Ghost town. Nothing but quiet. Nothing." said Addy. I laid back and rested my leg up.
"No one here. Without Murphy, there's no mission." said Warren
"Keep moving. For as important as this guy is, we sure lose him a lot." said Vasquez. They went back to the truck and we drove to a near by town. I got out of the truck as we stopped and I was starting to feel worse.
"Ok We need to fan out or we won't find Murphy by nightfall." said Warren.
"Well why we got to split up? I hate that." said Doc. As we were talking we heard to gun shots that came from a museum.
"Guys that's 10k's bag. He's in there."
"Ok Doc and Autumn stay out here and watch the entrance were going." said Warren. I pulled out my gun as we watched them go in.
"Doc you should go around the back and watch the back entrance. I got it up here."
He looked at me. "Go I'll be fine."
Doc went around the back and leaned against the railing of the stairs. It started to get harder to breathe when I saw Vasquez heading towards the truck with his bag.
Vasquez saw me and started to ran over when I started to not feel my legs. I collapsed on to Vasquez and started gasping. "Help me"
"Hey hey hey come on." Everyone came out of the museum when everything went black.
Doc P.O.V
When we walked out of the museum I saw Vasquez with Autumn in his arms and she was convulsing.  I ran down the stairs and went down to her.
"What happened!"
"I came over when I saw her over here and she started gasping and couldn't breathe." I looked down and saw how pale she was.
"What the hell is happening! Did she get bit?"
"Wait what's that on her leg?" I asked as I saw a bandage. I unraveled it and saw a serious infected leg.
"Oh my god. What the hell happened!"
"Wait, Autumn said she twisted her ankle back when we ran into skeezy." Said 10k
"Ok 10k I need you to run to the truck and grab my bag now!" Autumn started to convulse. I help her still as Murphy came over. "Whats happening?" Murphy asked.
"She is going into Septic shock."
"Oh god." Said Warren
"Wait, when we were going around the town, I found a pharmacy and grabbed some IV bags and antibiotics.
10k came over with my bag and I opened it. "Ok, 10k grab the IV bag and hold it up in the air. Warren I need you to hold her down." I grabbed a needle and tied a belt around her arm. I held her arm and put in the needle. "Ok 10k give the bag a tiny squeeze." Autumn stopped convulsion and I felt her pulse. I didn't feel anything so I checked her breathing. "She's not breathing." I started to do CPR and looked at Warren. "Grab the stethoscope in my bag and put it on her chest let me know I you can hear a heartbeat." I saw 10k holding her hand and crying. "Come on kid. Come back to us. Warren"
"I don't hear anything." I kept going and everyone started to cry, they started to believe she was gone.
"Doc she's gone stop!" Warren said crying. Addy collapsed on the ground and so did Murphy.
"No she's not she's gonna make this she can survive anything. Listen again Warren."
She started shaking her head and 10k was crying.
"Listen again!" Warren put the stethoscope to her chest and listened. She moved it around and then looked up.
"I Hear it! I hear her heart beating!" Warren said crying. 10k looked over and put his fingers on her neck.
"She has a pulse! Doc you saved her!" 10k and everyone embraced in a hug and went next to Autumn.
"She is going to be ok kid. Like I said she can survive anything."
I hugged him and looked back at her. "Ok Addy can you bring the truck around, but the blanket in the backseat and we will lay her on it. I wanna keep a close eye on her."
"Try not to run off again. We're all counting on you to stay alive." Warren said to Murphy.
"Warren. I won't run of again. We almost lost Autumn. I'm not going anywhere but Promise me you won't leave me alone if we make it to California."
"I promise you."
We all got in the truck and 10k put the bag on a hook.
"I love you" 10k whispered to Autumn as he held her head on his lap.
I looked ahead and smiled. We may still have a long trip but as a family it is all worth it.

10K's Sister (Znation) Season 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt