All Good Things Must Come To An End

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We reached the coordinates that Citizen Z sent us and we came to a run down bar. We got Murphy some disguises that way no one will notice him.
"That's it?" I asked.
"That's it." Warren said.
"Doesn't look very high tech." Murphy said
"Maybe it's just another front for an underground lab." said Doc.
"One last cosmic joke at my expense." said Murphy.
"Either way we're gonna check it out." Warren said as we went in to the cabin.
"Would you like some tea and finger sandwiches?" The lady asked from behind the counter.
"How 'bout you put the weapon you got under the counter on top of the bar?" Warren said. The lady smiled and put her weapon on top of the counter. She grabbed us each cups and got us tea. Murphy was sitting in the corner in a booth and I was across from him.
"How's your tea, dear?" Auntie asked.
"Excellent. Thank you."
"What brings you to California?" Auntie asked.
"Just passing through." Warren said.
"What's the matter, young man? You don't like tea." Auntie asked Vasquez.
"I like tea just fine. It's surprises I don't like."
"So is this a real working restaurant?" I asked.
"Well except for Black Summer, we've been in continuous operation since 1967. We've had a limited menu at times. But where you folks from?" asked Auntie.
"New York." said Warren.
"New York? I didn't know anybody could still be from New York." said Auntie.
"The city's gone 100% Z." I said.
"Long drive. What was it like out there?"
" Nothing but Z's and those soon to become Z's." said 10k.
"Wasn't there anybody safe? Anywhere?"
"There are. Few and far between."said Doc.
"So what does bring you to California" Auntie asked as bounty hunters came in.
"Bounty hunters." I whispered to Warren as I sat next to her in the bar.
"Can I get you boys some tea?" Auntie asked.
"You got any brown liquor?"
"Oh, I think I can squeeze some out of the still."
"Are you Auntie?"
"I am."
"We heard you're the one to talk to about the Murphy. Show her." They pulled up a hooded Z and looked at Auntie. "We're here to claim our bounty."
I looked at Warren and back at Murphy.
"Hey. We're celebrating over here. How 'bout I buy you a drink?" They asked Warren.
"No thanks. I already got one." said Warren.
"Well if you won't come drink with me, you won't mind if I just mosey on over and have a drink with you?" He said as he sat next to me. 10k and Doc stood up and the bounty hunter looked at them.
"Relax, fellas. I'm gonna buy you a drink too. Hell, drinks for everyone." He said as the Z started to snarl. "Don't worry about the Murphy. We got him sedated. How 'bout a toast? To the Murphy."
"To the Murphy." We all said as I looked at Murphy.
"Hey, Auntie. We could use some music." One of them said as Auntie plugged in the jukebox.
"Yeah, that's better. So what brings you folks here to Auntie's?"
" Passing through." Said Warren.
"Well you sure are a shy one. How 'bout a dance there, shy girl? Come on, baby. It's a slow song." said One of the hunters to Murphy.
"No, no, no, no. I don't dance." said Murphy.
I looked over and one of the hunters was trying to talk to Murphy. Every time he would move so would the Z. I started to stand up and so did Doc and 10k.
"Hey, shy girl. Shy girl. Think fast." The hunter said as he threw a ball at Murphy and he caught it. "Now that's interesting. When shy girl here moves, my Murphy moves the same way. Like they're connected or something. Why don't you take off that hat?"
"Take off the hat." He said as he ripped off Murphy's hat.
"God.Wow. That's life like. That's good work. Hell, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were the real deal. You wouldn't be hiding any bites under that dress, would you? Take off the dress. Take off the dress."
"That'll be enough of that." Auntie said holding up her gun as we raised ours. "Put down your weapons. Please. Your name Murphy?"
"Well it's about time." Auntie said. The hunters then shoot at Warren and we ducked and started shooting eachother until the bounty hunters were down.
"I've been shot." 10k said as I saw him on the ground.
"No, No Don't move. Ok. Doc!"
" I'll try to stop the bleeding. Auntie, do you have a first aid kit?" Doc asked.
"Where are you going?" Doc said as she walked to the window.
"Who are you signaling?" Warren asked as she was using a mirror.
"Doctor Merch. And what's left of the Mount Wilson CDC lab."
"He's losing a lot of blood." I said putting pressure on the wound. "Can you do anything?" I asked Doc.
"Way out of my league. Sorry, kid."
"What. No. No. No. We can't stop trying!" I said. I looked down at 10k, "We're gonna get you help, I'm not gonna leave your side. The sub is coming and they are gonna take good care of you.
"Maybe the submarine has a surgeon. They're bound to have a sick bay." said Warren.
"What's the deal with this submarine anyway? Is that where Doctor Merch has been hiding this whole time?" Asked Murphy.
"Sorry hon. That's classified."
"Classified? From who? The zombies?" We looked out the window and saw the submarine rise out of the water and boats were coming out from the trees.
"Say goodbye, pup. Cuz we ain't coming back." said Addy to Murphy.
"All right. Doc, you and Autumn stay with 10K. Vasquez and Addy, you guys cover us." Warren said as they got their guns ready.
"Dearie, put your guns away. They have a nuclear submarine." said Auntie.
"She has a point." Warren said as they went outside.
"Hang in there kid, help is on the way." said Doc as we tried to control the bleeding. 10k grabbed my hand and I looked at him.
"Don't let me become them. Promise me you'll mercy me. I don't wanna be like Cassandra. Promise me." He said. A tear rolled down my eye and I choked on my words.
"I promise." All of the sudden people in uniforms and lab coats started coming into the bar.
"I'm the ship's doctor. Let me take a look at him." He said as he knelt down to 10k.
"Lot of people been looking for you, Mr. Murphy." said the general.
"Well you found me. Now what?" said Murphy.
"First we have to make sure you are who you say you are." said the general.
"Oh. I am."
"How do we know you are who you say you are?" asked Warren.
"He's gonna need surgery and antibiotics. He is going to have to come on the sub." said the doctor.
"I understand your reluctance, Lieutenant Warren. We've been tracking Delta-Xray-Delta for two years. If I'd been through what you'd been through, I'd make damn sure I was giving that package to the right person too. Doctor, would you mind joining us?" The general asked as a lady with brown hair and a lab coat came inside. "Is that him?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry. I only saw him for a minute before we were evacuated. Everything was so chaotic, there was."
"Perhaps this'll jog your memory. Pike me. Pike me! Or I will hunt you down and eat your brains!" Murphy yelled at her.
"That's him."
"Very. Now let's get you back to the sub. We got a lot of work to do. What happened to your Delta Force Escort, Lieutenant Hammond?" asked Dr. Merch.
" He didn't make it. A lot of people didn't make it." said Murphy.
"Hey. It's okay." Warren said trying to calm him down. "I need your word that he will be treated humanely. He may be The Murphy. But he still is a human being."
"You have my word, Lieutenant Warren. We'll treat him like the celebrity he's about to become." said the general.
"Celebrity? You hear that? I'm about to become the first post-apocalyptic reality star. Yay me." said Murphy sarcastically.
"Well don't forget the little people." said Doc.
"It's gonna be okay, Tommy." I said holding his hand as the doctor was loading him up to the back of the truck. They got a real surgeon. They're gonna fix you up and you even get to go on a sub." As I was getting on the truck with him one of the soldiers stopped me.
"I'm his sister. I'm gonna need to go with you." I said
"Sorry,  We barely have room for these two."
"But I, I have to be"
"Don't worry. We'll take good care of him."
I turned to Doc. "I can't leave his side. He can't be alone on there."
"Hey. You don't worry about me ok. Doc is gonna take care of you while I'm gone. I will find you again. I'll be alright."
I gave him a hug and didn't ever wanna let go. Doc went over to Murphy and said his goodbyes.
"I got something for you too, brother." Doc said as he handed Murphy weed. In case you get seasick."
"Thank you, brother."
"Take care."
"We're ready, Mr. Murphy." said the general.
"Wait!" I yelled. "Thank you. For everything." I said as  I gave Murphy a hug as tears were going down my eyes. "Promise me you'll take care of 10k no matter what and keep him safe."
"I promise."
"You better get going." I said as I let go of him and went back over to 10k.
"I love you."
"I love you too." And just like that they drove off, my only family being driven to a sub that hopefully can save his life.
"I hope the kid's gonna be okay." said Vasquez.
"He will. I know he will be."
"Let's get these bodies out of here." said Warren looking at the bounty hunter and some of the Z's. "At least there's no harm done to the gene pool."
"Hey. What about this poor blue son of a Bounty hunters?" Doc asked as he was shot in the head. We all ducked down and ran back into the bar. "Bounty Hunters?" asked Addy.
"No. Zeros." said Vasquez.
"Warren Warren. Come and get some mercy. So remember, there is no such thing as death. There is only eternal life for La Reina de la Muerta. So bring me El Murfi. Now!" Reina said as they started shooting at the bar.
"How the hell did they find us?!" Addy yelled over the gunfire as it stopped.
"Ammo? Who's got what?"
" I'm good." I said.
"Well I'm okay, but I left my bag out there. I don't know how far Im gonna be able to chuck the damn crowbar."
"I'm out. And without range, this cover won't do us much good." said Warren.
"Well if you just ask nicely." Auntie said as she pulled one of the lever and a wall of guns appeared.
"Well aren't you full of surprises." said Doc.
"Well I'm a little low on ammo. But I think we can give them hell in the meantime." She said as she grabbed her shotgun.
"All right. Let's rock and roll." Warren said as I grabbed one of the snipers she had.
"The fact that they haven't started beating down these doors yet worries me more than if they just kept attacking." said Vasquez.
Mindless mayhem we can handle.
Whatever the hell they're planning, I'm not so sure.
Anybody tries to come in that front door is stepping right into our kill box.
"Cubrirse! Cubrirse!"
"Now what are they up to?"
"Hey, Roberta! Hey! It's not you I came after. Just Murphy. Hmmm? I only want Murphy! You give him to me, and we can still be friends."
"Too late, Chica! He's gone" Roberta said as Vasquez was getting his shot steady. He fired and only grazed her. 
"Shit. Missed."
"Ready. Apunten! Machetes! Go!" Reina yelled as soldiers stabbed the soldiers in front of them to turn them into Z's and started shooting again.
"That's it! Nobody comes into my house and shoots up my stuff! Nobody!" yelled Auntie as she went up to the window and started shooting like crazy.
"Nice shooting!" Doc said as she got shot in the chest thru the window. She started to turn Z when I shot her.
All of a sudden the soldiers busted in and pointed at us as Reina came in.
"Last chance hermana, you come join me. Be my consigliere. Escorpion is dead. I need you. Hmmm? Help me find the Murphy." She said.
"Too late. He's gone."
"Gone where?"
"We gave him to the CDC."
"That was a big mistake."
"Not my first one."
"We could've been such good friends." Reina said as she started to raise the staff in her hand. But Esporpion came in behind her and grabbed it.
"No, mi reina. Soy Hector." He said as he shot her in the head. "Te doy misericordia."
"Thank you."
"De nada."
"Well ding dong. The bitch is dead." said Doc.
"You killed your queen? Why?" Warren asked.
"She wasn't my queen. Not since she got that cooked batch of Kurian's vaccine. I followed them here through all their death and destruction. She wasn't human anymore. None of them were." He said as he held up his hands and went down on both knees.
"I won't rob you of your revenge. You've earned it." Warren said as she lead us outside.
"You think he's gonna do it?"
"I don't know." A gun shot rang out and we looked at the door. Hector came out with both hands up. Warren ran in and Hector came over to us. We let him free and waited for Warren.
"What happened? Is he alive?" I asked as Warren walked out.
"He's alive. He's not coming." Warren said as we started walking.
"Well, what do we do now, Chief?" asked Doc.
" I don't know. I'm not in charge anymore."
"You need a ride? I got enough food, ammo, and z weed for a month." said Hector as he pulled up with the truck.
"I'm in." said Doc.
"We're only going as far as the beach." said Warren.
"I like the beach."
"Think 10K's all right?" I asked.
"Big sub like that, they got to have a real medical team." said Warren
"Well I hope they don't bleed him dry. I hate to admit it, but I kinda miss Murphy." said Doc.
"Really? I didn't get to know him too well, but he seemed like kind of a dick." said Hector. I turned around and noticed smoke rising.
"Oh my god." I ran over to the edge of the cliff and saw the sub smoking.
"That doesn't look good." said Addy.
"Is it submerging?" I asked.
"No. It's sinking." After I heard that by heart started to beat out of my chest.
"Wait, there's a boat riding away." Doc said as he grabbed his binoculars.
"It's Murphy. He has Doctor Merch and the Sub Captain."
"What about 10K? Tell me he's on that boat." Doc kept looking. "Doc, tell me 10K is on that boat!" I yelled.
"I don't see him." Doc said as the sub blew up. I started to run to the edge but Warren grabbed me.
"THOMAS!" I collapsed to the ground. My heart is shattered. My only family is gone. All of a sudden soldiers came out of the forest and I just stared down.
"Those don't look American." said Doc.
"They're not." said Warren.
"What do you suppose they want?" asked Doc.
"What do you think" said Addy.

10K's Sister (Znation) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now