chapter 1

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Taylor Vert's pov

My phone buzzes with my alarm at 6am and i turn it off groaning.
I get out of my bed rubbing the sleep from my eyes while grabbing my pj pants from the floor close to my bed and stand up feeling dizzy.

I should probably eat something...
I looked In my mirror across the room and shrugged too fat anyway
I shake the dizzyness from my head and go to the bathroom,getting dressed and heading out the door.

By now it's 7:56 and school starts at 8:15 i get to school and go to my friend skye's locker.

"Hey skye!did you hear there's a new student?"I ask. I heard someone say something about it when I was coming over.

"Oh really?"she asks,tucking her hair behind her ear.weve been friends since 3rd grade and know everything about each other,she was one of the first people I came out to.

"Do you know if it's a boy?"as she blushes but tries to hide it,I see it but it's nice shes trying.

"If he's gay he's mine...but only if he's hot"I flush a bit and open my book to hide behind it

"If he's straight he's mine bitch!" She puts a hand on her hip,her bag and textbooks in the other.
"Haha,alright calm down sassy pants!"I tease and pet her kneeling at my locker right under hers,getting my books for the first four lessons even though there's a break after two...what? I like to be prepared.

I go to my language arts class with Skye by my side and we sit side by side.we talk till the bell rings and doodle.

The bell rings and the teacher walks in with someone behind her.

He's tall about 6'2" and handsome i cant see his eyes because hes looking away and kinda short hair but long enough  to grip when....i get kicked in the shin and yelp,glaring at skye, as she points to the teacher who is looking at me.

"I said Mr.Vert this is the new student Mr.Kayden I was saying is new and you usually show the new students around so i would like you to do so now"she sais sternly. I blush and stand up walking over to the front then gesturing for him to follow me into the soon as the were out the door he puts a hand on my shoulder and speaks,all I could think is oh my goodness his voice is heavenly!AND THAT ACCENT!he must be from Texas or something.... he sertainly looks as hot as a cowboy that's for sure.

"Hey are you ok?You seem...flushed" he asks though I try not to I just blush more and I nod my head "I'm fine"
I lead him through the school and show him everything. We get to the gym and I hop on the stage inside,I watch him look around In awe. Thank goodness it was empty. "This is the gym slash performance room, we have a drama room but it's being used right now.Wanna see the storage room?" In the time that I have been talking he has also come into the stage and has been looking around the stage. Nodding his head he follows me to a door which I open,revealing a room full of costumes,props and mirrors along with other things.

"Wow"he says sounding impressed "Are you guys putting on a play?"he asks and i nod"by what I've heard either it's going to be grease or hairspray.. .I know this year is going to be a musical..."I shrug and lightly put my hand on his back,tingles coursing through my hand as I gently guide him to the door as he keeps looking around.

We get back to the classroom and he sits behind me,I shift around in my seat and try focus more on the lesson but I can't when I can feel his gaze on my back.
After this the lesson went by quite quickly and we didn't see each other often because we didn't have many classes together on that day but in the halls we saw each other and I saw his eyes....and I how amazing that shade was....
The day went by quite quickly and before I knew it I was putting my books away and grabbing my homework.and heading home,I'm my way out I see him again and go faster arriving home in no time getting to my room I do my homework and finish by about 6pm and looking out my window to see the bird on the window ledge when I see Him walk into the room across my window,I duck down and close my curtains breathing heavily thinking
That night I could barely sleep,I'm in love with the boy next door


I have so much respect for all the people who wright books cuz this is painful it took me so long to copy this from paper to phone....

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