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    "Look there's Kelly" whispered one girl to here friends

     "She looks tired today, do you think that she was off fighting dinosaurs again" snickered another girl.

     "Maybe, she does look like she's been playing in the dirt" laughed another.

     Kelly being herself ignored the group of chattering girls and continued down the hall towards her locker.

     Ever since that trip to Isla Sorna and Kelly told everyone what happened with the dinosaurs she's had people laughing at her continuously.
Half the kids didn't believe her and the other half pretended she was lying so they laughed along with everyone else.

    But Kelly didn't care what other immature kids thought they weren't there, they didn't have to run for their lives in fear of being eaten, or watch friends and other people die right in front of them, but she did.

    She ran for her life, saw people die, and saw the worlds most dangerous predator try to eat her and her dad.

    This made her a survivor, this made her strong, and This made her better then her other foolish and innocent fellow students, so she didn't care about their whispers of ignorance because even if they decided not to believe in what Kelly said, Kelly knew it was real and that was all that mattered.

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