Chapter 33

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Percy POV

Annabeth was here. I could feel her. It was like as soon she stepped into the locker room I could sense her. Feel her presence. 

I was proven right when Annabeth suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Yankees cap in one hand tucking it into the back of her shorts and a dagger in the other. She had her back too Violet and Brett, she didn't see them as she rushed over to me.

"Gods Percy! I've been looking everywhere!"

I tried to warn her. I screamed against the gag but even I couldn't make out what I was saying.

Violet had been crouching over Brett but now she dropped his head down onto the floor, removed the wire and went at Annabeth.

Brett was still breathing I could see that much but his eyes were closed, he had blood and something else covering his chin.

"Behind you!" I tried to scream but the gag prevented it from making an sense.  

Annabeth turned just as Violet reached her. Annabeth stood up in a millisecond and her and Violet started to fight.

Annabeth pushed Violet back into the lockers and punched her,  Violet kneed Annabeth in the ribs.

I felt so useless. I was meant to have her back, I was meant to protect her but here I was tied up. I was pathetic!

Brett let out a strange gurgle sound which puled Annabeths' attention away from Violet.

It was clear from the way she fought that this Violet girl was trained and so she took advantage of Annabeths distraction. She elbowed Annabeth in the stomache and when Annabeth doubled over she grabbed Annabeths hand which held the dagger and plunged it into her stomache.

The world slowed down. I felt myself go numb all over. Annabeth opened her mouth in an O shape. Violet pushed her aside and Annabeth slid down the wall, her hand coming back up covered in red.

"NO!" I screamed 

The room started to shake. The toilets went POP and water flooded out of them.

This couldn't be happening! This could not be happening!

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