Chapter 2

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   A cold breeze ruffled Ivy's golden fur and she shivered. She opened her eyes alarmed to find her mother gone.
   Ivy glanced around and spotted her sister shivering in her sleep. Ivy curled up closer to Turtle and wondered where mother was. "M-mother...?" She murmured careful not to wake Turtle.
She fluffed out her fur to against the cold winds of leaf-fall. Ivy glanced around the den once more then padded quietly out of the tunnel.
Ivy poked her head out and tried to catch her mother's scent. She eventually was still able to pick up the scent once the winds has calmed down. Her white stripes flowed in the moonlight as she quickly followed the trail eager to know where her mother was.
Ivy knew better than to go off on her own and glanced into the forest.
I should probably head back...mother's probably just hunting.
She suddenly caught a voice somewhere in through the trees and froze. Ivy crouched low and hid under a nearby holly bush. She wrinkled her nose as leaves poked her muzzle.
Ivy pricked her ears hearing her mother's meow but she couldn't make out what she was saying.
Cursing herself, Ivy began to try to slid out.
Why am I hiding from my mother? Whoever she is talking to must be her business. But why would she not tell me? Or what if it's a bad cat...?
With all these thoughts in her head Ivy stayed put, her curiosity bugging her.
"Your kits must become Bloodbones Cypress. We know you have kits and they..."
Ivy stared in horror and pricked her ears hoping to know what is going on. She spotted her mother's devastated face in the moonlight and Ivy wanted to rush and comfort her.
Her mother gritted her teeth. "You can't have my kits." She meowed firmly.
From Ivy's spot she noticed two muscular cats standing in front of mother.
The white cat, whose pelt was stained red in splotches, spoke. " We will. With you dead, or with you alive. You have till sun-high tomorrow to give us the kits at the bonerock pile near the city."
Ivy whimpered quietly but quickly covered her muzzle. The cats didn't seem to notice.
   Tears pricked her eyes. Ivy watched in horror as the white cat slashed a paw at mother's face.
   Cypress staggered , blood welling on her cheek.
   "Did you here that? Bring the kits. If you don't want them to be harmed." The white cat turned to his companion and muttered,"I hope there's a tom kit. We need more fighters."
   Cypress stood tall, and solemnly nodded.
   Ivy's eyes widened as she had an idea. She crept out of the holly bush carefully and ran back to the tunnel. She pricked her ears hoping no one was following.
   As she reached the tunnel she was almost out of breath, mostly from shock. Ivy hurried over to Turtle who was still asleep.
   "T-Turtle..." She nudged her with a paw. Turtle moaned and swatted at Ivy. "Sleeeeeep..." Ivy frowned, worry shooting through her pelt. She glanced behind her. "Hurry. I'll explain later."
   Turtle just laid there.
   Ivy sighed. "Come on." She whispered in her ear. "Lets go on an adventure.."
   One of Turtle's eyes opened alert and Ivy let out an amused purr. Suddenly realizing the situation Ivy became serious and nudged Turtle out of the tunnel.
She headed into the forest they had never been. Turtle wagged her tail excited. "Where are we going?" Ivy frowned sadly.They kept walking through the forest that looked the same wherever they went. It would be hard if they needed to find there way back.
   Turtle titled her tan head. Once Ivy thought they were far enough from the tunnel she whispered." I heard mother talking to these bad cats...i think they wanted to recruit us but mother won't let them."
   Turtle looked at her shocked. "So....we're running away..."
   Ivy nodded slightly.
   Turtle whimpered suddenly afraid. Ivy stood closer to her as they carried on.
   Ivy soon felt a sharp pang of hunger and glanced at Turtle. "Want to try to hunt?"
   Turtle sighed. "We never learned."
   Ivy nodded depressed and spotted a tree with large roots. "Maybe we should rest a while."
She glanced at the full moon in the sky.
What are we going to do when its sun-high? I hope mother is ok....
Turtle slumped over to the tree clutching her belly. The two sisters never had to go hungry for long because mother would feed them.
Ivy looked around for prey hoping she would be able to catch something. "You stay there...and guard the tree." She managed to try to joke. Turtle smiled and nodded. "Never fear tree , Turtle is here!"She wagged her tail wildly.
Ivy purred and followed a the trail through the grass. She noticed small grains on the ground and wondered if there were mice nearby. She crouched low and put one paw in front of her trying to be graceful.
   "You look like a lopsided hippo!" Turtle yowled in amusement from the tree. Ivy flicked her ear embarrassed and kept going. Quickly spotting a mouse she went slower, careful not to disturb any leaves or blades of grass.
   A flash of black and white moved at the edge of her vision. Ivy froze sniffed the air.
   It smelt like a cat. Ivy stared at the cat moving through the bushes.
Can it smell me? Please don't be a Bloodbone cat...
   The strange cat lifted its head and walked off into the forest. Ivy sighed relieved.
   That was too close. I need to be more alert.
  She went back to her mouse to see that it was gone. Ivy cursed herself.
Well duh Ivy. Mice move around.
   She was glad Turtle wasn't there to see her distracted. Looking around again for prey she heard a twig snap. She jumped slightly in terror.
   She glanced around wildly feeling alone. Ivy unsheathed her thorn sharp claws and stood with her fur in end.
   A cat suddenly leaped out behind her onto Ivy's back. She hissed and tried to see her attacker. She could just make out the strange cat in the darkness as he flipped her over and stared at her.
   The golden tabby frowned. It was the black and white cat she had seen walking away. The cat suddenly smiled. "Oh your a kit!" He backed away and sat down. He looked about ten moons old and already had a few scars. His pelt was half black and half white and ran down the middle of his face. One of his eyes were blue and one green.
   Ivy stared at this strange colored cat with   her blue eyes full of mistrust. The cat groomed his ruffled fur."So what are you doing around here on your own?"
   Ivy stood on her paws hesitantly. " and my sister are traveling."
   He pricked his ears. "Oh. Where are your parents?"
   Ivy decided she didn't really know for sure so she just shrugged.
   He smiled slightly. "Awwww poor thing." At his words Ivy hissed slightly. "Adorable. What's your name little cat?"
   She managed to smile. "I'm Ivy."
   "Nice to meet you Ivy. My name's Mech. I'm a member of the rebellion."
   Ivy grinned. " Hi-"
   She was cut off by a loud screech that sounded like her sister.

(Lol the cliffhanger tho XD )

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