Chapter 6

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"what!!??" Ivy growled furious. "Well we're not going!" She skipped over to Turtle and curled her tail around her.
Mech looked up surprised. "What I'm not going to. I'm helping you to safety with the Rebellion." He sighed. "I just put my life in danger. I don't want the Bloodbones to get their paws on you."
Ivy's fur began to flatten as she realized what he had just done for them.
If he doesn't help the Bloodbones...they will kill him...
"I....guess we owe you one...again." Ivy spoke.
"No. it's about helping cats in need. It's what I do. And it's what the Rebellion does." Mech smiled looking slightly relieved.
Mech slowly stood up wincing. "We have to keep moving."
Turtle frowned. "But your wounds."
"If they open up we can stop but the sooner we get there the sooner one of the healers can look at me. And they can help you too Turtle."
Turtle purred. "Good. My tail looks like a turd coming out of my butt."
Mech blinked taken aback.
Ivy snorted and burst out laughing.
Oh Turtle...
   Mech looked around awkwardly. "Anyways....want to get going?" 
   Ivy purred and nodded. Mech grinned and walked on , limping . He lifted his back leg slightly off the ground.
   Ivy fell in beside Turtle and the small group of cats continued their trek.
   They past many different types of trees and two streams. It was past sun-high when Turtle broke the silence. "I'm bored."
   Mech flicked his tail amused. "Traveling isn't exactly exciting."
   "Well it should be." Turtle meowed and glanced around. "How about we race there?"
   Mech stared at her.
   "What?" Turtle asked slightly annoyed.
   Ivy rolled her eyes." Mech can't run. He can barely walk."
   Turtle gasped. "Ohhhh."
   Ivy purred. "Mech can you tell us about the rebel cats? Maybe it'll pass the time."
   Mech shrugged and nodded. "Well there is a leader of course but she doesn't make all the decisions. The cats vote on things. Our group goes by majority rules. I heard the rebel cats  were once travelers who helped cats but they came across the Bloodbones and have had trouble with them. I was born after they settled in a thick group of trees. It is very protected and hard to find the camp."
   "The cats have specific jobs. Me and my friends were spys and some are fighters, some hunters, healers, and kit-carers. The leader is always a cat who is a spy for some reason. That's what I've heard from our old cats and-"
   Turtle yawned. "This got boring."
   Ivy purred.
   "Well what would you want to talk about?" Mech asked and chuckled.
   The tan she-cat thought for a moment, her lime-green eyes glistening in the sunlight. "Whale forests!"
   Ivy burst out laughing. "That was a kit-tale. It's not real."
   "You never know. Nightmare might be real too." Turtle smirked.
   Mech sighed. "Whale forest? What's a whale?"
    Ivy blinked. "It's like a large fish. But I've never seen one. Our mother met a cat who lived by an ocean once. I was told whales live there but no one knows."
   Mech smiled. "Interesting. What's a ocean?"
   "It's a large body of water that never ends." Ivy replied.
   Turtle jumped in the conversation loudly. "It eats da sun!"
  "Oh you mean the never lasting water? I've heard about that." Mech chuckled.
   "Yeah." Turtle meowed.
   "Cats call it different things. Some Rebels call it the Sea of Stars." Mech meowed.
   "Why? Does it eat stars too?" Turtle gasped.
   Ivy chuckled quietly.
   Mech looked stared ahead as he walked on. "No. Stars reflect on the surface and it looks like a pool with stars in it."
   Turtle nodded. "Ohhh."
   Mech smiled, walking faster. "We're almost to their territory. If we hurry we can make it before night-fall."
   Ivy looked at Mech's leg and noticed he was limping more.
I hope we can get there soon.
   She glanced at the sky and noticed the sun was setting. They began to walk a bit faster, with Mech managing to keep the pace.
   Mech looked around. "We have to be quiet now. Creatures that lurk at night might be coming out soon. We don't want to attract attention to ourselves." He briefly glanced at his wounds and Turtle's tail.
   Ivy nodded in understanding and carried on quickly behind Mech. Turtle followed looking bored as ever.
   Ivy stifled a purr.
   The three cats carried on quick and silent.
   After a while ,Ivy felt a sudden chill down her spine and she turned around.
   She narrowed her eyes and padded closer to Mech. The she-cat strained her ears listening for any signs of something strange.
   A few moments later, she heard a low growl barley audible.
   Ivy gritted her teeth and whirled around. She peered through the coming darkness and spotted a russet pelt through the bushes.
   Mech glanced at Ivy oddly. "What's wrong?"
   She flicked her tail towards the fox and felt a drew in a sharp breath realizing they would be in serious danger.
We can't fight! I can't fight!
   Her heart pounded in panic but unsheathed her claws. She turned to Mech and Turtle who had stopped. "Run." She meowed quietly but it was no use. The fox overheard and was making its way towards them. Mech's eyes widened in understanding. " Climb a tree!" He shouted at them and ran at the fox.
   "Nooo!" Ivy yowled in horror as the fox roughly knocked him onto the ground. "Go Turtle!" She quickly turned to the fox.
I'm the only one who isn't injured...I have to try. If I get hurt at least I'll be protecting my them.
   Ivy hissed and stood over Mech, blocking him from the fox. She lashed out a paw but missed. Ivy lashed again and landed a strike on its muzzle.
The fox grunted and lunged at her but Ivy was quicker. She leaped onto its back and began to bite down on the fox's neck.
The fox growled and turned its head around to try to get at Ivy.
Ivy dug her claws in it's fur determined. Out of nowhere the fox swerved quickly and turned its head, grabbing Ivy's shoulder. Pain shot through her leg as she hissed. The fox wrenched its head around and threw Ivy onto the ground. She gasped as she hit the ground and rolled a few paw steps.
"Ivy!" Turtle yelped from somewhere up a tree.
Ivy laid on the ground, her shoulder burning. She looked up slightly only to look straight into the eyes of the fox.
I hope Turtle stays where she is. She needs to stay safe...
The fox growled and clawed at her face. Ivy leaped trying to dodge until she felt pain near her eye.
   Blood dripped down her face and trickled into her eye. Ivy shook her head trying to clear it and stood her ground.
   She clenched her teeth and stared at the fox with a harsh gaze. The fox snarled fiercely, drool splattering on the ground.
   Ivy closed one eye where the blood was dripping into. She unsheathed her claws ready to fight.
   The fox was about to leap but was cut short by a loud screech.
A black cat leaped heroically out of nearby bushes and collided with the fox. A muscular gray tabby followed and scratches its hindquarters. The black tom backed away and stood in front of Ivy.
Ivy stared at the cats feeling both relief and annoyance.
Why do I always need help with things?
She crouched and watched surprised as the gray tabby tom and a light orange she cat drove away the fox, nipping at its tail.
She stared at the black cat in standing before her. The tom turned to her and smiled. "You ok?"
Ivy stared at his eyes.
Wow I didn't realize a cats eyes could be so beautiful...
The black tom spoke again. "That shoulder wound looks nasty."
Ivy blinked embarrassed. "Ummm...yeah...but I'm fine.."
The cute black tom smiled. "What's your name?"
"I-Ivy.." She meowed shyly.
Damn I suck at socializing...
The grey tabby and light orange she-cat were already making there way over and stood by the black tom.
"My name is Fang. And we are the Rebellion."

(Eeeeee Ivy got a crush XD so me when I talk to people lol)

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