Chapter 7

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Ivy smiled.
We found the Rebellion...
She suddenly remembered she hasn't seen Mech during the fight. The she-cat looked around desperately.
Fang frowned. "What's wrong?"
"My friend and my sister. I don't know where they are." She replied and stood up.
"Oh Mech? We found him crawling under bushes and two of our cats took him home. We'll help you find your sister." He meowed reassuringly.
Ivy glanced up in the trees and sighed as she didn't spot her sister's tan pelt. She padded around the bushes. "Turtle?" She meowed hoping she would answer.
   Ivy gasped as a cat landed on her back.
   The golden and white tabby laughed and rolled over. Turtle wiggled on the ground and sat up, licking her chest fur.
   Fang purred amused. "Who is this?"
   Ivy looked up and smiled. "This is my sister Turtle."
   Turtle winced as her tail brushed the ground. "Can you heal my tail...?"
   Ivy stared at Fang as he nodded. "Well take you to our camp."
   The grey tabby who looked about the same age as Fang, swatted at Fang's ear. "Excuse me but who is leader of this patrol?"
   Fang smiled. "Me."
   The tabby rolled his eyes and turned to the sisters. " I haven't introduced myself. I'm Frisco. And if you know already this cat whose head is full of fluff, is Fang."
   Frisco looked at Fang. "I know they're she-cats but chill."
   Fang blushed slightly. "At least I try to make cats feel welcome. You just sit back and do nothing."
   The tabby smirked. "Whatever Fang cat. I'll lead the patrol back so you can talk to the she-cats." He winked at Fang.
   The black cat sighed as Frisco began to walk through the trees. Ivy stifled a purr.
He's hilarious....
They began to follow Frisco when Ivy looked up and accidentally caught Fang's eye. She blushes slightly and looked as if she were staring ahead.
After what felt like moons of embarrassment Frisco finally stopped by what looked like a large tree whose branches reached all the way to the ground. It was shaped like half of a sphere, and was so thick with leaves and branches it was hard to tell what was inside besides the strong scent of cats.
Ivy stared in awe. Frisco smirked. "We put lots of hard work to make the branches stay in place. Some of us are working on putter brambles around it."
"Wow... that's so cool!" She exclaimed as he led them through a small tunnel made out of the branches.
As the tunnel ended in the middle of the camp was a large tree with a den at the bottom. Frisco walked toward it.
Fang and the orange cat came in beside Ivy and Turtle. " Hi. Since you will be staying here a while I'm going to ask that stinky furball if I can show you around and introduce you to cats."
Ivy couldn't help but let out a purr. "Ok. Thanks."
Turtle nudges her playfully and Ivy's face grew red with embarrassment.
Ivy turned again to Fang only to see him walk off to a pretty brown tabby she-cat.
She felt a sudden thorn in her heart but she pushed it away.
I shouldn't get so attached to cats...
Ivy sighed as they padded after Frisco into the den in the tree. Vines covered most of the entrance and Ivy chucked as Turtle somehow got tangled in them.
Frisco rolled his eyes and stood before a black, darkish blue she-cat with lightning white eyes.
"This is Stormspeaker. She is our leader." Frisco dipped his head and did what looked like a little bow.
Ivy took a short breath and realized she should probably do the same. She flicked her tail on Turtle's hindquarters and copied Frisco.
Turtle blinked and stuck her butt in the air.
Stormspeaker raised an eyebrow.
Ivy shook a bit feeling uneasy. She was relieved when she began to speak.
"Who are these two...kittens doing here?" She asked , her voice full of authority.
Frisco sat up immediately, obviously worshipping her. "Mech brought these kittens with him. He didn't say anything because he was severely injured."
Stormspeaker flicked her tail. "Where are Reed and Allo?"
Ivy flinched as she heard of the other two spies who were captured.
Stormspeaker must have seen her flinch because she stared her fierce eyes at her. "Do you know?"
Ivy gulped and forced herself to look up and meet her gaze. "Mech told us they were taken by the Bloodbones. Our...our mother was also taken. As a prisoner I think."
The blue-black she-cat closed her eyes looking somewhat defeated.
"Reed and Allo were two of our best spies. Now we will have to think of other ways to defeat the Bloodbones."
   "Why are the Bloodbones taking cats?" Turtle murmured.
   After giving her shoulder a quick groom, Stormspeaker faced her. "Their leader, Jaw, and many others want to recruit cats to help conquer the city. There are large amounts of cats in the city so the Bloodbones are trying to outnumber them. And to gain more power."
   Ivy looked at the ground shivering slightly, thinking how much her mother might be going through.
She pricked her ears hearing the vines rustle.
Ivy turned only to see Fang as he walked towards Frisco. The black tom muttered something quietly in his ear. Frisco nodded and Fang spoke. "Stormspeaker, is it ok if I take our visitors on a tour of the camp? Since they have no where to go and might be staying a while."
The she-cat nodded and Fang led them out of the den, dipping his head in respect before he exited. Ivy and Turtle did the same and followed Fang to a corner of camp, where bushes and ferns were clumped together and formed a den.
   Outside the den was a dark orange tabby tom.  A young black and orange she-cat sat half way in the den.
   As Fang walked towards them the two cats meowed a greeting. "Wassup Fang. Who are these two?" The tabby stared at Ivy and Turtle.
   "They will be staying a while. "How is Mech?" The black tom asked.
   The black and orange she-cat stood up and stretched. ""He'll be fine but that gash was really nasty. He should take it easy for at least a quarter moon or so. He's sleeping right now so please don't wake him up."
   "Ok and that's good to here. Ivy, this is Cobbler," he flicked his tail to the orange tabby. "And she is Lindi. They are our healers."
   Turtle stared at Fang. "Can they heal my tail??!"
   He chuckled. "Yes. They can."
   Cobbler went inside the den and began to sort herbs he would need. Lindi smiled. "What happened to your tail...umm....what's your name again?"
   "I'm Turtle and it got bitten of by a quick-jaw!" Turtle exclaimed. Ivy purred. "Hi. I'm Ivy."
   Lindi smiled. "Hello. And Turtle you can come in the den and we'll see what we can do about that infection."
"It's infected?" Ivy asked worriedly, realizing a second later it was a stupid question.
Lindi nodded and beckoned to Turtle with her tail to follow. Turtle looked at Ivy.
The she-cat smiled. " You can go. I'll check on you and tell you everything later. Say hi to Mech when he wakes up for me."
Her sister smiled and meowed, "Bye sis!" before walking into the den.
The sun had set completely by then and most cats were heading to there dens.
Ivy turned to Fang who was grooming himself. "We can continue the tour tomorrow. Since you don't have a place to sleep you can sleep with me and my friends."
She nodded. "I-is Turtle going to sleep in the healers den?"
Fang shrugged. "Probably. But don't worry, if cats start giving you glares I'll swipe their ears."
The golden and white tabby purred as he lead her to a large group of bushes and ferns bunched together to form a decent roof. Ivy smiled impressed seeing how sturdy and rainproof it looked.
Fang ducked his head and entered the den. Ivy followed hesitantly seeing all the pair of eyes staring at her. Fang lied next to the brown tabby she-cat and looked at Ivy. "There's a nest here," he patted it with a paw. "And Turtle can have this one."
She smiled and curled up in it. "Thank you."
"No problem." He meowed.
"Hi. What was your name again?"
Ivy turned around and strained her eyes in the darkness. She realized it was the same light orange she-cat she met with Frisco and Fang.
"I'm Ivy."
"That's a pretty name. My name's Bloom." She meowed.
As Ivy's eyes adjusted she saw there was a nest behind her where the orange she-cat was laying.
"There aren't many kittens around her anymore."
"Huh? Why not?" Ivy asked confused.
Bloom curled her tail around herself. "The Bloodbones have been trying to steal them from us. They're to cowardly to kidnap grown cats. Cashmere lost three kits to them five moons ago. She still has one named Domino."
She meowed sadly.
   "Aww. How can we stop them?" Ivy asked.
   Bloom shrugged. "Stormspeaker is preparing the fighters for a battle. We've been training for a long time and Mech, Reed and Allo were supposed to find the best way to attack. I hope Allo's ok." She meowed , her voice suddenly softer.
   Ivy gasped slightly. Bloom must have a crush on Allo!
   "I'm sure he'll be fine." She put her tail on her new friend's shoulder trying to comfort her."
   Bloom purred. "Thanks. " she glanced outside. "We should go to sleep. It's late."
   Ivy nodded and curled up glancing once more at Fang before closing her eyes. "Night."
   "Night." Bloom whispered.
   Soon Ivy was pulled into slumber, wondering if she would see the scarlet cat again. But she didn't appear.

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