Chapter 4

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Scarletrose smiled creepily. "Welcome young one. This conversation is going to be very quick because you need to go soon."
Ivy stared confused. "Am I dreaming?"
The strange she-cat nodded. "You belong somewhere else but i will guide you. Fear not."
"W-why should I be scared?" Ivy took a step back out of instinct.
Scarletrose shrugged and beckoned with her paw. "Hurry. You must wake up now. They're coming."
"Who? You mean the Bloodbones? Why are you helping me?" Ivy asked but she was suddenly pulled awake with her questions unanswered.
She opened her eyes and saw Turtle still fast asleep. She nudged her with a paw and stood up. "Come on. We have to go." She remembered Scarletrose's words.
They're coming....
Mech turned to them from the entrance."It's not yet sun-high but if you want to go now that's cool." He yawned and groomed himself.
   Ivy smiled. "You feel better Turtle?"
    Turtle opened her eyes and stretched. "A little. My tail still feels sore."
   Ivy purred. "That's still good. I hope mother is ok." She meowed suddenly serious. "I'm worried the Bloodbones have gotten her."
    "The Bloodbones?"
    Ivy froze forgetting Mech was still by the entrance.
   Ivy turned to him with her fur on end. She tried to let her fur to lie flat so she wouldn't seem so threatened.
I should lie. Maybe he'll believe I'm with them...
   Ivy opened her mouth and spoke. "We are running from them."
Damn damn damn. Why can't I lie?
   Ivy sighed and looked up expecting to see fierce eyes but instead they were of sympathy.
   "Bloodbone flea-pelts. I'm running from them too. Well not exactly running, but keeping away from them." Mech explained.
   "Oh...." Ivy smiled slightly to hide her relief and her luck.
    Turtle jumped up like an idiot." Ooh! Where are you from?"
   Ivy purred happily.
   There's my little goofy Turtle.
   "Im with a group of cats who are against them. Some call us the Rebellion but we never really named ourselves. We have a camp a day's travel from here."
   Turtle tilted her head. "Wow! How did you come to meet Ivy then?"
   "I was sent on a mission with my friends Reed and Allo. But.... we were caught and I was able to escape. I have to go back to camp to get help." He smiled slightly embarrassed. "But you guys need my help too. Us rebels help cats in need. Maybe I can take you to the Rebellion."
   Ivy smiled a little unsure. It was a lot of information at once but it sounded like a safe place to go instead of wondering through the forest. Ivy was sure her and her sister could trust Mech.
    "Sure." Ivy meowed and padded out of the entrance beckoning her tail for Turtle to follow. Once outside she stretched and looked around. "Which way to?" She asked a little too confidently.
   Mech ambled over to her and flicked his tail tip. "To get to the camp, we have to go back to where we came pretty much. We go in the direction of the Bloodbone camp, but we should make a wide circle around it so we don't encounter them." He shivered.
   Ivy sighed. " We were trying to get away from them. Not stroll right into their territory."
   Mech shrugged. "We have no choice. I need to help save my friends and let the Rebellion know I'm ok. And while we're at it we can get you and Turtle to safety. Maybe you can join us."
   Ivy flattened her ears.
It's like he's making the decisions for us. Just because we're about four moons younger doesn't mean he can boss us around.
   A nudge on the shoulder brought her back from her thoughts to see Turtle smiling. "We're going on another adventure! Adventure Ivyyyy! ADVENTURE!"
   Ivy couldn't help but purr. "Ok ok I get it. Chill."
   Mech was laughing also. "Alright wild orangutans , come on." He padded off in the direction they came from.
   Turtle walked beside Ivy and whispered. "What's an orangutan?"
   The golden and white tabby shrugged. They walked several tree-lengths before they heard the sound of rushing water.
Up ahead, Ivy could see the river she had fallen in.
The Bloodbones might be near our den. But if mother is there we have to find her.
"Mech...we have a den nearby..can we check to see if our mother is there?"
Mech turned to look back at her. "Bloodbones might be close. It's safer to go around..."
Ivy blinked sadly. "But mother..."
Turtle whimpered. "Can we at least check if she's there? Since your like a spy maybe you can check?"
Ivy flinched, a sudden image flooding her mind of Mech taking mother to the Bloodbones.
We can trust him. Why can't I trust anyone?
Mech nodded. "Ok. You two stay safe and head into the bushes and brambles over there." He flicked with his tail. "And make your way over there to those trees."
Ivy nodded and laid her tail on Turtle's shoulder. Together they slithered through the bushes as Mech went to scout the den. The bushes hid her view as they slowly and carefully crept through. A thorn pricked her nose and she winced. Blood welled up and trickled down her muzzle.
"Hippo-terds!" Ivy exclaimed.
   Turtle giggled until one poked her tail.
   "OUCH! WHY ME?!?"
   Ivy purred. "Stupid thorns can go die in a hole."
   Turtle dug at the ground and shoved a few unattached thorns into the small hole. "There."
   Ivy laughed loudly then quieted. "We have to be quiet. There might be Bloodbones around."
   Turtle gasped and nodded.
   After their fun they walked on in silence, hissing whenever a thorn pricks them.
   At last the trees came into sight and the two sisters settled down and waited, a little impatiently, for Mech to return.
   But he never did.

(Dun dun dunnnnn! XD sorry the chapter is so short I wanted it to end with suspense. Teehee. )

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