Chapter 9

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  Months Later

Graham spent the last six months becoming accustomed to the fluctuating emotions of his girlfriend. He learned the art of patients.

They were in the process of turning the guest room of the apartment into the nursery. Graham sat on the ground completely defeated by the crib. He loathed every minute of this personal hell but he was sick of Buffy's nagging so he decided to finally build the dreaded crib. Their conversation really went like this: "Graham, stop being a stubborn lame ass loser and do the damn crib! If you built the stupid thing months ago, like I said, we wouldn't be in this predicament." Graham responded by taking a beer in the refrigerator calming his nerves.

Graham thought her monthly mood swings were bad, pregnancy hormones drove him insane.

He tried not to look at the walking time-bomb when she entered the nursery with a beer and a sandwich in her hands.

Buffy placed the beer and plate on the dresser next to a rocking chair. Graham waited for the mystery personality to reveal itself..

"I brought you a peace offering." She said with a sweet smile.

Graham stood from the crib and eyed her suspiciously then sat down in the rocking chair. He kept his eyes on her a moment longer and reached for the beer on the dresser. Buffy took the sandwich plate and stepped between his legs. "I made it just the way you like it." Graham took the sandwich and took a bite from it.

Graham wrapped a hand around her expanding waist pulling her to sit down across his lap. Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. Graham smirked when she moaned into their kiss.

She broke the kiss and rested her head in the crook of his neck. Graham placed the half eaten sandwich on top of the dresser and rubbed a hand over her swollen belly.

"Hi, Baby. It's Daddy. You better appreciate this crib." Buffy smiled listening to his deep comforting voice. "When you come out, Mommy's gonna go back out on patrol and give Daddy some peace and quiet. She's driving Daddy crazy." Buffy playfully slapped his chest. "I'm mostly kidding. In fact, you don't need to come out at all. We don't want Grandma, Grandpa or Uncle Joey to come here. They drive Daddy insane. I can't wait to meet you, Baby."

Buffy kissed his neck, "I love you." She whispered dreamily.

Graham looked down at her and cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her.

The ringing phone ruined their tender and civilised moment. Buffy struggled to stand and complained of her large size as she went to the phone.

"Hello?" Graham could hear her voice from the living room. "Yeah, he's right here."

Since the pregnancy, Buffy was banned from fighting of any kind. Her Slaying responsibilities went to Graham. she was stuck in the office trapped doing month's worth of ignored paperwork before taking her maternity leave.

Graham watched as Buffy walked back into the nursery. She stopped suddenly, squeezing her eyes shut in pain. "Buffy?" Graham looked at his girlfriend with concern.

"Baby." She gritted her teeth and placed her hands on her round belly.

Graham jumped to his feet and took her hand supporting her. "Giles," He said into the phone. "its coming. The baby's coming!" Graham hung up the phone and held his arms around her waist when a splat wet his shoes. "Shit."

W.C. Academy

Graham kicked the Academy doors opened with his foot and helped a waddling Buffy inside. "You were driving too fast, you idiot." Buffy scolded him

"I figured we were kinda in a rush."

Willow ran down the marble steps. "Is the baby coming?!" She asked with wild excitement.

"Y-yeah!" Buffy glared at her boyfriend who rolled his eyes at her.

"Just a little further." Graham said helping her down the long hallway.

Buffy's expression twisted in pain when another contraction came. Graham tried hard to be the calm and supporting boyfriend but she squeezing the shit out of his hand.

Xander came from the other end of the hallway with a wheelchair.

"Buffy." Giles came from the lobby racing down the hall with the others.

"H-hi, Giles." Buffy weakly smiled at the nurse.

"We'll take her now." The nurse said taking the Vampire Slayer's hand.

"Mr. Miller." Graham looked down at another nurse got his attention. "Will you be in the delivery room?" Graham nodded still worried about Buffy. "C'mon." She led him into the hospital room.

Graham went to the Slayer's side and took her hand. With his other hand, he brushed her damp blonde hair off of her forehead. "Hey, baby." He kissed her softly. Graham buried his nose into her hair, "Try not to break my hand." He whispered into her ear and can sense the smile on her face.

A nurse came over and injected a clear medicine in Buffy's stomach. "What's that?" Buffy asked.


"Oh, thank god." Buffy said with relief as the pain suddenly when away. "Is there any way I get more of that?" The nurse smiled and walked of the room.

"Well, hello, Ms. Summers." The doctor entered the room with a few other nurses. "Let's have a baby." She took a seat at Buffy's feet with a smile. W.C. Academy

"I can see the head. Push!" The doctor instructed sitting at the foot of the bed.

"C'mon, baby. You're almost there. Just one more push." Graham whispered holding her powerful hand.

Buffy sat up and gave a hard push and soon the baby's cries echoed off of the delivery room's walls. Graham clenched his teeth as she squeezed his hand hard.

Suddenly the sounds out crying rung in the room. Graham kissed Buffy's swat coated lips. "You did it." He smiled and laid his head atop of hers.

"Mr. Miller, would you like to cut the cord?" A nurse asked.

Graham crossed the room and took the scissors from her hand and cut the umbilical cord. He returned to Buffy and circled his arm around her clammy neck. Her sweat matted hair rested against his chest.

The nurse carried the tiny bundle in a blue blanket to them.

"Welcome your new baby boy." The nurse smiled placing the infant in Buffy's arms.

Buffy stared down at the calm newborn with tearful eyes. "Hi there." She scratched her index finger lightly over the baby's pink arm. "He's perfect." She stared down at him in awe. She then tilted her head up to Graham and buried her nose into his throat. "Thank you."

Graham responded with a kiss on her forehead. "We did a pretty damn good job." He smiled down at the baby looking at them sleepy blue-grey eyes.

Dawn, Willow, Xander, and Giles entered the delivery room quietly and went to the edge of the bed looking down at the baby.

"Let me see him!" Dawn said with excitement.

"Ooh, I wanna see." Willow stood beside Dawn. "Aww, he has your nose." Willow looked at Graham.

"Oh, thank god." Buffy said with a sighed in relief.

"You have a cute nose." Graham kissed Buffy's nose.

"Have you decided on a name? 'Cause Xander is a nice strong name." Xander suggested with a goofy grin.

"How are you feeling?" Giles asked lightly placing his hand on Buffy's feet.

"A little tired."

Giles smiled softly, "That is to be expected. We will clear out. Get some rest. And a very congratulations." he ushered the gang out of the door leaving the new family.

The new parents stared down at the baby with a fascination. "He's so perfect." Buffy watched the tiny little fingers wrap around the tip of her index finger.

"You both are." Graham grazed his hand gently over the baby's dark small patched hair.

The nurse entered the room holding a chart. Two other followed her wheeling a tiny bed for the baby. "We're going to bring baby Summers-"

"Miller. Baby Miller." Buffy corrected. Graham kissed her forehead with a small smile.

The nurse smiled. "We're going to bring baby Miller into the delivery room."

Buffy's face twisted with concern, "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no. It's just standard procedure. It will give you time to rest Ms. Summers." The nurse exited the room with the baby in her arms.

Buffy took a deep breath and sorely moved over on the bed creating space for Graham climb in beside her. He opened his arms for her lay against him as she usually did. Her head rested on his chest and took a fistful of Graham's t-shirt. Graham leaned his head down and kissed her mouth and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you, too." Buffy yawned nuzzling comfortably into his chest. "Now you really need to build that crib."

Graham smiled against her blonde hair. "Don't remind me."

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