Chapter 10

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  It did not take long for Buffy to quickly fall asleep. Graham watched her for a long while before falling into a peace slumber himself. Buffy and Graham sat on the edge of the sandbox watching their son dig a large hole into the sand. Buffy rested her head on Graham's shoulder hugging his arm.

Graham watched her mouth twitch into a dreamy smile. How on earth did he get to be this lucky? What did he do? Graham would have laughed nervously if you said his future held a great romance with an unavailable women and a kid.

But it happened. He thanked his lucky stars for giving him this destiny.

Graham then kissed her hair and whispered, "Marry me." Buffy's head shot up and looked at him with surprise. "Marry me." He repeated.

Buffy smiled and leaned her forehead against his and said, "Yes."

Kingsbridge, England

A month later, Graham stood beside Xander at the alter. It only seemed right on of her best friends was performing the service.

Under the English sun and long tree branches. Graham looked out over the valley to the crystal blue water in the distance. A light breeze tossed the leaves as Buffy emerged at the opposite end of the aisle with Giles escorting her catching his eye.

Graham took a nervous gulp but completely taken by her beauty. She wore a long white dress and her blonde hair loosely bounced over her shoulders. Her eyes were bright and filled with love only devoted for him.

The sun made a bright aura around her. She was an absolute goddess.

W.C. Academy

Present Day

Graham ran down the long hallway to room B-231. He realised he was not late since none of the children came out yet. Other Slayers, Witches, and Watchers stood beside him waiting for their children. The door opened and a bundle of children ran out to find their parents waiting for them patiently.

"Daddy!" Graham heard the tiny voice running toward him. He crouched down and braced himself for Ryder to jump into his arms.

Graham tussled Ryder's light brown hair. "Did you have fun today?" Graham took Ryder's hand and picked up his backpack with the other and walked down the hallway toward the Slayer training room. He listened with a small smile as Ryder shouted every event from the day with much enthusiasm.

"I want Mama." He looked up at Graham giving an identical pout as his wife's.

"Yeah, okay bud."

Graham neared the training room door, he bent down and picked Ryder up to see his mother walk steadily up and down an aisle of Slayers.

"Mommy!" He yelled wiggling out of his fathers arms and into the training room. "Mommy!"

Buffy twirled around hearing her sons small, excited voice from the training room entry. She extended her arms and caught her leaping son. Her serious, authoritative expression changed when Ryder jumped into her arms. "Hi, honey!" She smiled running her fingers through his hair.

"I missed you, Mommy." He hugged her neck.

Buffy rubbed his back. "Me too, baby. But you know, Mommy doesn't like it when you run in here during training sessions."

Ryder nodded his head up and down. "Becwas I can get hurwt. You don't want me to get hurwt becwas you lowve me."

"You bet I do." Buffy tickled his tummy and kissed his cheek. "You're my little pumpkin belly."

"Hey." Buffy twisted around with Ryder on her hip to the deep voice behind her.

"Hey yourself." She leaned forward and kissed Graham softly. "Is it that time already?"

"I hawd a peanut butter sandwichy!" Ryder yelled excitedly throwing his arms over his head. "Not as good as youwrs, Mommy."

Graham pretended to be insulted. "I thought I made the best peanut butter sandwich?!"

Buffy shrugged. "I can't help it if I'm the better cook."

Graham hooked an arm around Buffy's neck. "Then you can cook all the meals we eat." He whispered in her ear.

She turned her head with wide eyes horrified by the idea.

Almost forgetting about the gawking Slayers behind the family, Buffy turned to them and said, "Oh, yeah, uh, hit the showers."

East London Apartment Complex

The evening was as typical as they normally were, Buffy sat on the couch with her knees to her chest resting against Graham's chest. They watched the television uninterested while Ryder laid on his stomach on the floor playing with trains.

Buffy yawned as the credits appeared on the screen. "I'm sleepy." She closed her eyes snuggling into his chest.

"Me, too. You wanna call it a night?" Graham's head fell back against the couch tired as well.

Buffy tilted her chin upwards and nipped his chin with her teeth. "Or, we can do other things..." She ran a seductive hand up and down his thigh. "Can you put Ry to bed?" She sat up from the comfortable position on his chest.

Graham jumped to his feet and picked Ryder up ignoring the three year old's protests. His cries became a laughter when Graham held Ryder over his head flying him like a plane. Graham kicked the bedroom door open as he made plane sounds. Buffy rolled her eyes with an easy smile and entered the master bedroom.

Ryder giggled when Graham made goofy noises and tucked the young boy into the bed. Graham sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand over Ryder's hair. "I love you, bud."

"Lowve you, too, Daddy." Graham kissed Ryder's forehead.

"G'night." Graham stood from the bed and walked to the door turning off the light.


Graham turned to his son. "Yeah, bud?"

"Cawn I have a story?"

This was the very last thing Graham wanted to do at this moment. He cleared his throat and went back to the bed and sat down. He bent down picking up a stack of various books laying around on the floor and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, how about we go through all of the Thomas characters on your blanket. Who's this guy?"


"This guy?"


"And this one?"


"And this one?"


"This guy?"


"And finally...?"


Graham ran a hand into Ryder's hand, "Well done, bud. Now, go to sleep. I love you." Graham waited until Ryder closed his light hazel eyes before he practically ran out of the bedroom.

Graham closed the bedroom door behind and turned off the main light of the apartment before entering the master bedroom.

Buffy was not on the bed like he expected. He noticed a night light shining from under the door crack of the bedroom. He hurriedly kicked off his boots then unbuttoned the jeans shaking them off. He pulled the army green t-shirt over his head and tossed it into the hamper against the wall and climbed into bed and waited patiently for Buffy.

Like clockwork, Buffy opened the bathroom door and turned off the light. The moonlight from the window illuminated the bedroom. Graham felt his mouth dry when Buffy stepped toward him. The moonlight haloed her hair. Graham's eyes ran up her tan legs to the oversized grey t-shirt that barely covered her bare thighs.

He watched her crawl up between his legs seductively smiling at him luring him. She brushed her breasts over his rising erection and pulled the thin sheet covering Graham's waist.

"Did I ever tell you," His voice was low and raspy, "that I love it when you wear my clothes?"

"Only every night." She kissed his muscular chest and licked his skin. "I do it because its incredibly comfortable. And..." She licked around his nipple and trailed her mouth lazily to his neck. "I know you like it. And..." Buffy moved to straddle his lap over his erection making him groan when she rubbed her center over him. "I like it when you take it off." Her whisper was intoxicating in his ear.

Graham tossed the her t-shirt over her head throwing it across the room and moved sheet out of the way unable to control himself any longer. His hands smoothed up her naked thighs and adjusted her hips over him. She moaned into his ear as he entered her.

"I want you." Her said huskily into his ear.

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