Chapter 11

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  Graham rolled her onto his back burying himself inside her feeling her comforting warmth. Her nails scratched up his back. He grunted into his shoulder as he pumped inside her with haste.

The elevator door bell rang. Graham's head fell on Buffy's shoulder very frustrated. "You gotta be fuckin' kidding me." Graham grunted.

"I'll get it." Buffy said. Graham made no move to pull out of her. "Honey?" She used her strength to roll him onto his back and pecked his lips moving off of him throwing on a robe. She walked out of the bedroom tying the robe around her slim waist.

"Fuck." Graham angrily sat up and marched into the bathroom slamming the door shut.

Buffy turned on the main apartment light and pressed the elevator button to see who their very unwanted visitor.

"Buffy!" A middle aged brunette woman walked into the apartment wrapping her arms tightly around Buffy in a loving hug.

"H-hi, Nancy." Buffy gasped with surprise.

Behind Nancy a grey haired man with a full white beard entered taking Buffy in his arms. "Buffy!"

"Mike..." The older man squeezed the petite Slayer. A younger man stepped to the apartment. His eyes ran over Buffy lustfully. "Joey." She fought the urge to roll her eyes and masked her annoyance with a fake grin.

Graham walked out of the bedroom, half expecting Buffy to be spread across their bed waiting for him with that sinister half smile that drove him crazy. But like before, she was not where he expected her to be. His ears perked hearing familiar voices from the living room. More then ever, Graham wanted to punch something preferably demon. "Shit." His family was here. 11

East London Apartment Complex

Graham took a deep breath before entering the danger zone that was the living room. He debated to just go to bed and deal with them in the morning but he couldn't leave Buffy out to dry. She would kill him.

He opened the bedroom door. "Grahamy!" Joey shouted.

"Oh, Graham!" Nancy ran to her older son with wide arms.

"Hi, Mom." Buffy recognised her husbands forced smile. "Dad." Graham nodded in Mike's direction. " I-I, uh, had no idea that you guys were coming."

"Man, I still don't know how you scored that!" Joey tugged on Graham's neck. "Because, you know, you're such a jackass and Buffy... oh, god, Buffy is so fuckin' hot!" His eyes hungrily ran over Buffy's naked legs to her beautiful face.

Graham clenched his jaw and glared at his younger brother dangerously.

"How's my grandson?" Nancy moved toward the child's bedroom door.

Graham stepped into her path. "He's sleeping."

"Oh, but I want to see him." Nancy pouted.

Graham glanced to Buffy. She shook her head with wide eyes. "Not tonight, Mom. It took a while to get him to fall sleep." He frowned hearing his father's chuckling in the background. "What?" Graham asked his father.

"I can see the woman wears the pants in this household."

Joey snorted a laugh but was immediately distracted by Buffy's golden, smooth legs again. "She ain't wearing any from where I'm standing." Buffy rolled her eyes.

"How 'bout we get all get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning." Graham suggested thoroughly annoyed by this whole situation.

"Good idea." Buffy nodded her head.

"I'll get them settled, you go get some sleep." Graham pecked her lips and watched her disappear behind the bedroom door.

Sometime later, Graham entered the bedroom to see Buffy under the covers staring blankly at the ceiling. Graham took off his t-shirt and crawled back into bed.

"This really sucks." She mumbled.

"Remember the time when you encouraged me to interact with my crazy-ass family?"

"What the hell was I thinking?" She turned to him. "What are we going to do?"

"Hope, it'll be over soon." Graham rolled on his side facing her. He reached out and cupped her cheek. Buffy shifted to snuggled into his body laying her head on her favourite spot on her husband's chest.

In the early hours of the morning, the alarm clock went off. Graham reached over to the nightstand slamming the beeping noise off. But slammed it too hard shattering the clock into pieces.

Behind him, Buffy wrapped her arm over his chest and buried her nose into his back.

"We need to invest in a metal alarm clock that won't combust every other morning." Graham muttered sleepily.

"I'll ask Willow to do some goddess-y magic thing on it again."

"Saves us a few dollars." Graham rolled onto his back as Buffy shifted on top of him.

Her wet lips kissed his bare chest. "Mmm, morning." She muttered against his skin.

"We have to get up." Graham whispered mentally smacking himself not wanting her to stop seducing his body.

"You're a mood killer." She pouted.

"Baby-" Graham laced his fingers through her hair when she silenced him with her mouth.

The thoughts of getting out of bed were lost when Buffy's hands smoothed down his chest and under the thin bed sheet. Graham closed his eyes when her powerful fist wrapped around his throbbing member pumping him. He could feel her smile as she kissed a slow path down his chest to his pelvis. Her lips touched the head of his cock. Graham groaned feeling her hot breath hitting him making him unbearably hard, desperately needing release.

Then it all suddenly stopped.

Graham's head shot up instantly aware of the loss of his wife. "What the fuck?"

"We have to get ready, love." Buffy disappeared behind the bathroom door.

Graham heard the shower run and he got out of bed and busted into the bathroom. He watched the blurry silhouette of her naked body.

Graham angrily slid open the shower door with a frustrated dark expression.

"What's wrong baby?" She mocked him with a phoney innocent smile.

"You're gonna fix this." He pointed to his high standing erection.

"No, honey. I'm not." She washed the shampoo from her hair.

"But, you did this! And now, you're gonna undo it." His hands went to his hips ready for her work her magic and relieve the pressure of his groin.

A slow smile painted across her heart-shaped lips, her wet hand caressed his unshaven cheek then slid down his chiselled chest. She drew him into the shower. Her mouth nipped kisses over his collarbone. Graham was about to explode when she began to stroke his biceps then a hand down his back and over bare bottom. "Buffy..." Graham jabbed her stomach with his massive erection.

She smiled and sucked his earlobe slowly stroked him. Buffy looked up at Graham to see his eyes closed lost in the feeling of her hand. She then reached outside the shower for the towel on a hook and quickly escaped leaving Graham in the shower once again very unsatisfied. "BUFFY ANNE SUMMERS HYPHEN MILLER!"

Buffy faced him with big, innocent eyes. "Yes, honey?"

"Get your ass back in here. You did it again!" Buffy smiled and with a shrug and left him still in the shower. "Buffy." He clenched his teeth angrily. "Come here and fix it."

"Fix what Graham?" She asked from the bedroom dressing into her clothes for the day.

Graham turned the shower faucet off and marched back into the bedroom dripping wet. He picked her up and threw her on the bed ignoring Buffy's complaints of her nice clothes being 'ruined'. He tossed off her unzipped trousers and ripped off her panties. "Oh, I liked those." She whined watching her nice pantie being uncaringly thrown away.

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