part 8

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This part is dedicated to all those celebrating pollution free Diwali. May this Diwali bring all the brightness in your life.

Laksh: She? Who is she?

Sanskar: C'mon Lucky I told that I'm preparing new one so stop dragging that topic. Nothing to worry. Let's eat.

Laksh: atleast tell who is that girl.

Swara: it's me.

Yes. She was about to come for dinner & heard their conversation .

Laksh: Kya?

Swara: Yes, isn't it Sanskar?

She eyed at him. Her words holded guilt at the same time pain also.
Sanskar didn't speak anything so lucky understood it was her. Sometimes silence speaks.

Laksh: but how? I mean as far as I know u both doesn't talk to each other
then how did u get his mobile?

Swara: That's not the point to be worried about now. We should solve this problem.

Sanskar: I already did.

Swara: Oh really! What if your new presentation is not as good as old one. That company who hacked your presentation as I hacked your mobile will get that presentation for sure.

Laksh: That's right bhai she got a point.

Sanskar gave u better shut up lucky look.

Swara (smiling): So the decision is finalised.

Laksh: huh

Swara: That I'm going to help you guys.

Laksh: but how?

Swara: simple I'm going to hack that stupid hacker's device & make some changes to that presentation such that
it is not as powerful as Sanskar's new one & for that Mr. Sanskar Maheswari
u should stop giving me such stupid expressions & better stop thinking that I'm interfering in your life.

Laksh couldn't exactly understand what her last line meant so pushed those thoughts away as it is not that important this moment. However Laksh forgot to notice his bhai's face which was in an aww. Now this is unexpected.

Sanskar: ( trying to change the topic): We should eat now. Someone told that
you should never be late in having food.That person may not follow it but I'm doing it from today.

Laksh chuckled as it was Swara who told that to him one day as he denied to eat but had no idea that Sanskar is present there.

Swara: excuse me I too know that but what if that hacker copies that presentation in another device while we are eating. If that happens there is no use of me hacking his device as he can easily find out that some changes are made. So first thing's first.

Swara managed to do what she told & asked Sanskar to make those changes. Finally work is completed.They started having dinner.

Laksh: but Swara what if that person already copied the presentation in other device.

Swara: He won't.

Laksh: how can u be so sure?

Swara: Sixth sense.

With that she winked at Laksh & got up to put her finished plate in wash basin but couldn't stop reminiscing Sanskar's smile when she said sixth sense. That is when it striked that it was her who asked him not to use that dialogue & here she is replying in his style. This guy is effecting her too much.

Next day

In Swara's office

What do I do now?. Should I call him no no I'll call Laksh no no What if he lifts Laksh's phone like last time & scold me again. Why should I back off? It was just a matter of asking if everyone liked his presentation or not
& infact it was me who beared his frustration & more than anything how
dare he is to use that f**k word In front of me when no one ever did that to me? Let it be . When he is thinking that I'm interfering in his life why should I talk to him? He is showcasing
everything as if I'm so interested to talk & he is talking as both of us are living in same house whereas sometimes he forgets that also. I can't understand how Laksh loves him so much. Just look at Laksh how caring &
funny he is. But Sanskar No it would be a joke if someone say that he is funny. It's 4:00 p.m. now. OK I will call him , ask him & listen to him. That's it not another word. This is going to be my last time talking to him unless he pleads me to talk & I know he'll never do that.
Huh forget it he's not answering the call. I'll call one more time. If he lifts it
fine but if he don't I'll probably declare that he's world's no.1 idiot.

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