part 13

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Here we go.

Recap: Swara receives a letter at the summit.

What the hell? He should apologise for the entire thing that he did but he is only sorry for doing that yesterday, seriously?Not that I would forgive if he apologise but still! I mean I'm like this 10 minutes away from presenting all my hard work since last month to the board members of many companies & this stupid letter flew to me from no where not even mentioning his name at the end. I doubt if he has written that but who would know about that rather than us? Oh Wow! I still think that he's going to keep that a secret? Good to know that there exists something positive about him in my head. I don't know it's just I can never figure out what's in my head. That's so difficult one moment I think he's good, next he seems to be so rude & now this recent side of him is something I never expected it's so hard to digest the fact that he.... I mean we.... no technically speaking he... huh! leave it. Right now I'm completely positive about one thing that he's right. Yeah, one can't stop thinking about it the next day.


Boss: Well done Swara.

Swara: Thank You sir. I'm glad that I haven't spoiled anything.

Boss: haha yes. Infact u've got everyone in the room talking about you.

Swara: Well, I'll take a leave then , sir.

Huh finally my boss liked my work not that he doesn't like my usual work
but it's different today. Thank God that my presentation time got postponed otherwise I would have completely spoiled it out of tension & yesterday's thoughts.


Laksh: Good evening Swara ji , how was your day? I'm sure u've done something wrong.

Swara: Not really but now yes.

Laksh: What do u mea.......

B4 he could complete the sentence she splashed water on his face.

Laksh: What was that woman?

Swara: I don't want your expectations to go wrong so did that. See it's simple.

Laksh: Ofcourse then let me return the favour.

Swara: Don't. I'll kill u.

She started running while he chased her.

Swara: Listen, I'll complain to... to...

Laksh: to who?

Swara: Lucky u...

That is when she bumped into him Sanskar .

She turned back only to find him standing with "what's going on here" look.

Laksh: Thank God that u came bhai. Now hold her fast.

Everything he knows that happened here is that Laksh is chasing her for obviously some stupid reason & Laksh
wanted his help then why not help his
brother. Thinking so he was about to hold her hand.

Swara( angry): Don't.

He tried holding her again.

Swara( angry ): I said no.

Laksh: What's wrong with u two?

Sanskar: Nothing leave it.

Swara: Everything.

She went away not wanting to answer
other questions.

Laksh: Is there something u are hiding

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