Chapter 10

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When I wake up Effie is calling my name.

"Primrose! Katniss! Your prep team needs you!" She yells.

I don't know why, but the Capitol moved the tribute parade to today instead of yesterday. Thankfully, Katniss and I have the same prep team and stylist.

"Coming!" I moan.

I quickly shake Katniss's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She whispers.

"We have to get prepped." I reply.

She sighs and hops out of bed. Then she goes into the bathroom. I don't even bother to change my white nightgown, since I'll have to change into a different outfit. All I do is brush out my tangled hair.

"Ready?" I ask Katniss when she walks out of the bathroom.

She nods and we walk out of the room. By the time we get to the dining cart Peeta and Haymitch are already sitting down.

"Good morning." I say as I sit down.

"Good morning." Peeta replies.

I'm about halfway through my yogurt until Effie shoves me out of my seat.

"Can't I finish my breakfast?" I whine.

"No! You're going to be late!" She exclaims.

Then she starts to drag me towards the door. But not before I grab my yogurt and eat another spoonful.

"Prim!" Effie yells as she puts down my bowl. "No food when you're with your prep team!"

"At least you got to eat a full breakfast." I mutter.

Katniss just laughs and pulls me next to her.


"Primrose!" Octavia squeals as she squishes me into a hug.

"Can't...breath..." I pant.

"Sorry dear." Then she kneels down in front of me. "I can't believe that you're going into the games. You don't deserve this." Tears stream down her face. Then I glance up at Venia and Flavius. They're also tearing up.

Wow. I never knew that these people had feelings.

"It's okay. I'll try to get through it." I reply with a smile.

"That's my Primrose." Venia comes over and hugs me.

"Let's get to work." Flavius says. They start by dragging Katniss over to a table.

I almost forgot that Katniss was there. I hold her hand while my prep team rips all of the hair off her body.

"Your turn, Prim." Octavia says, all out of breath.

I gulp and take Katniss's place on the table. I scream the entire time when they're plucking my eyebrows. When they finally finish, I'm sweating and tears and eyebrow hair is all over my face.

"Shhhh. It's okay." Katniss hugs me.

"Go wash your face, dear." Venia says softly.

I nod and head over to the small sink. I see billions of hair pieces in the sink when I'm done.

"All done?" Flavius asks when I come back.

I nod.

"It's time to see Cinna!" Octavia squeals.

Once we reach Cinna I don't hesitate to run into his arms.

"Hello." He says.

"Hey." I reply.

Prim's Games Book 2Where stories live. Discover now