Chapter 19

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When I wake up I can feel Katniss stroking my hair. .

"Hey Katniss." I say.

"Hi. Are you hungry?"

My stomach growls.

"Yes." I reply.

She hands me some crab meat and a few clams. As I munch on them I see the others packing up.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The cornucopia. We need to get some more weapons, and we might find some people to kill." Finnick explains.

I nod and quickly finish eating. Then I pack up my sleeping bag and put 3 knives in my belt. As I slip my backpack on my back, I struggle to blow my long hair out of my face.

"My hair is so annoying." I tell Katniss.

"I know what you mean." She says as she tucks her hair in her ear.

We start walking to the Cornucopia but encounter another tribute on the way; the boy from 6. He shoots an arrow at me.

"Prim! Duck!" Katniss yells.

I fall to the ground and the arrow flys in the air. Katniss loads her bow and shoots an arrow at the boy as he tries to run away. It hits him in the back and he falls to the ground. I run over to him and take the arrow out of his back. He looks at me with a pained expression on his face and I kneel down next to him.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. He looks at me and actually smiles.

And then stares into space and the cannon goes off.

I walk back over to Katniss and hand her the arrow. I watch as the hovercraft pick up the lifeless boy and flys away.

"Lets go." Johanna says.


Once we reach the Cornucopia we see Gloss. Gloss tries to throw a knife at me but at the last second someone jumps in front of me. I scream and throw a knife at Gloss. He falls to the ground and a cannon goes off. I kneel down next to the person that jumped in front of me and gasp as I realize who it is. Wiress. She's unconscious.

"Wiress!" I yell.

The knife hit her leg, and it's now oozing blood. I try to stop the blood flow but she's already lost a lot of blood, and the wound is too deep. Wiress opens her eyes and focuses on me.

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." I say as tears fill my eyes.

She looks at me and smiles. "No it's not, dear. I've accepted my fate."

I sniff and let Beetee talk to her. Afterwards I hold her hand as the life goes out of her. Wiress's face has gone pale and she looks up at the sky. The cannon goes off and I start to cry.

Katniss walks over to me and hugs me tightly.

"It's okay." She says.

We walk away from Wiress and as soon as the hovercraft leaves, I feel the cornucopia spinning around. I'm immediately blown away from Katniss.

"Katniss!" I scream.

She tries to grab my hand but I'm too far away. I fly around the air and then fall into the water. The cornucopia is still spinning around and I'm drowning. I suddenly feel myself fly up again and flail around in the air. I fall back into the ocean and feel myself being dragged onto land.

"Prim?" Katniss asks.

I cough out water and look up at her.

"That was horrible." I say.

"I was so worried about you." She says as she pulls me into her lap.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

"Beetee, Finnick, and Mags are over there," Katniss points to the cornucopia. "And Peeta and Johanna are there."

"Oh." I say.

We walk over to the others and grab some weapons. Then we walk into the woods to find somewhere to rest.

"Did you guys fly into the water when the cornucopia started to spin?" I ask.

The others shake their heads. My shoulders sag. President Snow really does hate me. I think.

"Why don't we stay here?" Finnick suggests after an hour of walking.

We're at a beach type of area with plenty of seafood. We all agree and since I've gotten plenty of sleep, I take watch. I sit down next to Katniss and watch the lake. After a few hours of sitting, I hear a growl. I grab my knife, preparing for the worst. A multicolored monkey suddenly jumps out at me. I scream out for Katniss and the others. And that's when I fall to the ground.


Hehehe cliff hanger!! Oh, and I'm not killing Mags. Yay! I'll try to update another chapter today but idk if I can tomorrow, since I'll be busy. Remember to vote and comment!

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