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🖤Third person🖤

Mackenzie Ziegler hastily hurried around her room throwing items into her rucksack as she went. From a hairbrush to a lipgloss to a chemistry revision book and seconds later she was picking up an apple and walking outside into the crisp spring air slamming the door behind her.


'Brynn I've told you so many times to stop doing that!' Mackenzie almost screamed as she went to stand by her best friend by the school lockers.

'Do what!?' Brynn huffed back at her now stressed almost angry looking friend.

'Texting HAYDEN SUMMERALL!' Mackenzie had now lost her temper and was going off on one.

'I'm sorry kenz, I know you have history and all but I really like him.' Brynn sighed back, slumping her fragile skinny body against the lockers.

'Look I love you bry and i don't want you to get hurt! Can't you see that I'm just looking out for you?' Kenzie was now the one how was sighing after calming down a little.

'I know.. i know but he treats me like I'm the only girl, like I'm everything' Brynn admitted looking at Kenzie with hopeful eyes.

'I'm warning you, it's all an act, he doesn't know how to love! He's a stupid boy who shows fake love and.. ' Mackenzie almost pleaded however was cut off by the sound off heels walking towards her who could only belong to one person, Miss Leblanc.

'Mackenzie to my office right now!' Miss Leblanc demanded giving Mackenzie a stern look and continuing to walk forwards with her shoes clipping echoing in the corridor. She turned around to notice Mackenzie was not yet following her and gave her the stern 'come on then' look.

With that Mackenzie rolled her chocolate brown eyes and began walking after Miss Leblanc flipping her silky locks behind her back, knowing fully well what this was about.


Miss Leblanc sat upright on a swivel chair across from Mackenzie who was slouched in a leather chair looking bored to death.

'Mackenzie, have you spoken to Johnny Orlando since the accident?' Miss Leblanc questioned looking at Mackenzie through her half moon shaped spectacles.

Mackenzie immediately felt on edge and her heart started beating faster than the normal, even though she knew this was coming.
'No i haven't' she replied nervously.

Mackenzie wasn't normally the person to feel nervous as she was usually quite confident in herself but let's say Johnny orlando was a touchy subject or also known as Mackenzies weakness.

'Well as you might have heard, he is beginning to regain memory, which I must say is excellent news' Miss Leblanc informed a now sweaty looking Mackenzie.

Mackenzie knew fully well that he was starting to remember things and she couldn't quite decide wether it was a good or bad thing.

'Anyways I thinking that you should maybe talk to him, I know you two were very close and maybe talking to him might help' she added.

'I... er.. I'll have to think about it' Mackenzie breathed heavily.

'I'm so sorry but I need to leave' and with that Mackenzie stood up and swung her rucksack over her shoulder and walked fast pace out of the door slamming it behind her leaving a dumbfounded Miss Leblanc.

Heyyyyy! How do you like this story so far? I will be updating as much as I can maybe once everything two days or something like that because I am quite busy with school and dance and stuff. But stay tuned for more! Please vote and comment suggestions and thoughts as these are always appreciated. Love you xx

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