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🖤 Mackenzie's PoV 🖤

I hastily searched for the green eyed boy, where would he go?! where would he go to be alone and were no one could find him?

He was not in the empty dt classroom, or not in the gym. Boys locker room? Well it's worth a try, i guess.

Without thinking I barged open the door and boys were standing there with towels wrapped around their waist, muscles and six packs showing.

They all turned to look at me, oh shit, what do I stay. I froze and stood there starring at each and everyone of them.

'Can we help you?' One tall brown haired boy spoke up, looking directly into my eyes.

'I um-I' I stuttered.

'You what' the boy questioned. God he was fit, Wait no I can't say that.

'Johnny orlando' I managed to breathe, after finally steadying my breathing, after running all the way here.

'What about him?' Another boy spoke up, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, sweet.

'Have you seen him?' I asked, suddenly feeling more confident in myself.

'No' a different brown haired boy spoke.

'Oh' I began to walk out of the door until an outstretched arm grabs my hand pulling he backwards.

It was the tall brown haired boy, he looked at me with his vibrant blue eyes.

'He's probably on the field, left hand side, back of the school' he spoke quietly.

What was the secret?

'Thankyou' I sighed.


I ran on to the field into the direction that the boy gave me. And there he was, in all his glory. Johnny orlando crouched down at the back of the school, I came to a halt around 5 meters away from him.

To his side laid a small lighter. A cigarette was lodged between his two fingers and pressed against his lips.

He released the cigarette and brought it down to his side when realising I was standing there.

'What do you want' he hissed, releasing all the smoke from his mouth as he did so.

'Oh john' i sighed, walking over and sitting down next to him. He looked at me blankly, once again pressing the cigarette to his lips.

'Why John?' I questioned.

'Why what Mackenzie, why I'm smoking?' he shouts at me, making me jump slightly. shivers were sent down my spine. he scared me slightly, this was not the Johnny orlando that I know and love. Wait love? Do I still love Johnny orlando? Anyways...

When I didn't respond back to him he shouted again but this time with more emotion, like he was about the break down any minute, but I couldn't blame him, I would too.

'Because it kills Kenzie, everything kills, the lies, the secrets. No one will tell me the fucking truth about anything, my parents are even lying to me for gods sake, Lauren, Hayden and now you? I just want answers' he breathed, a tear rolled down his check as he did so.

And I think that a tear may have rolled down mine, he looked so innocent, so vulnerable.

'I'm sorry john, I really am, and I will tell you everything in time, it's hard for me as welll you know' I sighed.

Our eyes locked and there we were starring at each other, his beautiful green eyes piercing my brown ones.

'I shouldn't of shouted, I'm sorry' he whispered whilst placing the cigarette on the floor and gently putting it out with the bottom of his shoe. 'but I do want to know Kenzie.'

'And you will, soon enough you will' I weakly smiled, he returned the gesture and pulled me close into a hug.

More tears ran down both our cheeks, and there we were sitting in the cold on the field, i laid my head on his shoulder for warmth and he pressed his head against mine. We simply sat in silences with tears silently flowing from our eyes.

Cause at the end of the day, it will all end in tears.

I actually kinda like this chapter for once wooo. I decided to write in people's POV instead of third person, cause it's wayyyyy easier. But what you think? Can this chapter get 10 votes because that would be crazyyyy.
I love you all,
Molly xx

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