Hidden Feelings.

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Ages of some of the characters that I changed, maybe. The only clear age we got was from the protagonist which is 10 (but not in here). We also know that Lillie's mom is somewhere in her 40's. Jasmine (Moon) is 15, both Hau and Lillie is 14, and Gladion is 16. With all that said and done, let's get on with this prologue.

(at the Altar of the Moone, evening)

Lillie: *she smiles* Jasmine. I, I want you to catch Nebby. I want you to take him on your Journeys. I know this is what Nebby wants.

Jasmine: *shighs* Alright. *she holds out a luxury ball, Nebby the Lunala tapped it with it's wing and gets sucked in. The yellow circle in the middle blinks red 1...2...3 times, then caught* But I'm not gonna be his trainer.

Lillie: What!

Jasmine: *she turned to her with a smile* You are. You and Nebby have a very strong bond. I can tell. Stronger than mine with any of my Pokemon. Plus, my journey is kind of on a pause right now.

Lillie: What do you mean Jasmine?

Jasmine: Last month, when I completed Lana's challenge, she asked me if I was gonna go to the new Pokemon school off the coast of Kanto (it was originally going to be in the Alola region, but then I completed the game. In fact, this prologue would have never existed if I hadn't got a 3DS and got Moon). I said I wanted to but didn't get any forms to fill out in order to go there. She had some spare forms and gave me one. But I asked if I could have another, just incase I lost the first one. *she pulls out the spare form and hands it to her* Lillie, I would love it if you came to the new school with me. It was one of your mom's project's before she went crazy and this was 6 years in the making.

Lillie: *she has a big smile and has some tears in her eyes* I'd love to go there with you, Jasmine.

Lillie then hugs Jasmine, and Jasmine hugs her back. After about a minute, the two parted.

Jasmine: There is one thing however.

Lillie: What is it?

Jasmine: You need a full team of six Pokemon. And it won't open until you're mom gets better.

Lille: Oh.

Jasmine: But, I will help you get your team, And I, Jasmine Moon, hereby declare, Nebby as your Starter Pokemon. *she holds out the Luxury Ball to Lillie*

Lillie: *she smiles and takes the ball then looks Jasmine in the eyes* Thank you, you are a true friend.

Jasmine: Well, you are to. If I'm being honest, I don't think I would have been able to complete all the island trials if you were not there for most of them. You helped me out a lot Lillie. You gave me the strength and courage.

Lillie: *tears of happiness falls down from her eyes* Jasmine...

C'mon Lillie. It's time to walk down to meet up with your mom and Guzma.

Lille simply nods, and when they got to the bottom, they are met with someone unexpected, that person is Nanu.

Nanu: *he grins* Good work Jasmine.

Jasmine: *she smiles* Thanks Nanu.

Nanu: Now, there is only one more thing you can do, if you choose to accept it.

Jasmine: *she raises an eyebrow* And what would that be?

Nanu: Challenge the Elite 4 in Alola's first Pokemon League.

Lillie: *she looks at Jasmine* You should go for it Jasmine!I need to take my mom home, then I'll meet you there.

Jasmine: *she nods her head* Alright, I'll do it.

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