Ohana (final part)

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Part 3: Ohana

(forest on route 22. Night time)

Lillie: *still wide eyed and in shock* Th-that's Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: That is correct, friend of Jasmine. *she looks back at Jasmine* (yeah, Mewtwo is a female in here. To me, Mewtwo can be rather a male or female. In the first movie, the voice was a male and the last movie that this pokemon that appeared in, I do believe it was "Genesect and the Legend Awakened," it had a female voice. And I know legendaries don't have genders, but for the sake of the future of "Pokemon University," Mewtwo does.) Now, send out your first Pokemon.

Jasmine: I think this time, I'll only need one pokemon. *she took the luxury ball from her pokeball sash and threw it up in the air* I choose you Phantom!

A Mimikyu then came out of the ball and landed on the ground, along with the luxury ball

Mewtwo: A Mimikyu. Interesting choice.

Jasmine: Yup, and this one is especially interesting. You see, it's true self doesn't cause that mysterious illness. But it can make it happen as self defence. So, Phantom, remove the disguess.

The mimikyu obeys then drops the stick and takes off the rag to reveal a cute black puff ball like creature with two long arms with three fingers on each. It had two big yellow eyes and a pink plush on each side of it's small mouth.

Jasmine: Now, X-Transceiver, play "Unbeatable"

Phantom, use shadow claw!

Phantom listened and used the attack. Mewtwo tried to doge but Phantom was too fast and got a direct hit. Mewtwo then used psychic to hit it. The battle continue on for a while, then Jasmine ordered Phantom to attack MewTwo from behind with a shadow ball. When this order happened, Mewtwo was floating in the air. Phantom leapt up, made a shadow ball in it's hand and tossed it very hard at MewTwo's back, causing Mewtwo to fall to the ground, she struggled to get up, then just gave up. Jasmine then returned to Phantom to its luxury ball and walked up to Mewtwo

Jasmine: He's strong, isn't he?

Mewtwo: *still laying on the ground* That he is. Well, a deal is a deal.

Jasmine: *she smirks, gets into her bag of miscellaneous pokeballs and pulls out a purple one with a M on it. She then touched Mewtwo with and she was caught. Jasmine then smiled at the pokeball* Welcome to the Ohana.

Both Lillie and her mom just stood there, looking at Jasmine.

Lusamine: You just caught Mewtwo.

Jasmine: *she turns around and smiles* Yup. Finally. This was our third battle.

Lillie: So that is why you kept training Phantom. To eventually have it battle against Mewtwo and win.

Jasmine: That is correct dearest Lillie.

Lillie: *smiles and let's out a small giggle* I should have known you were training Phantom for something.

Lusamine: And, I should have figured you would have captured a legendary sooner or later. If I you were old enough, I would ask you to be a house leader at the Pokemon University

Jasmine: *she has a bright smile* Really!?

Lusamine: *she nods her head* Yes.

Jasmine: Well, it's the thought that counts. Thanks.

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