A Friend Who Is Dead

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I used to have a friend who would celebrate his birthdays. His name was Xian. He would go to get ice cream and hang out with his friends, against his family's wishes. When Xian turned eighteen, he went away for good, but he had to be a rebel and come back. I mainly blame myself for his death. He came back because he missed me and he missed his old life. So he returned. Xian stayed with my family and I for four days. The sunny morning of the fifth day we heard a knock at the door. It was the government banging so loudly on the door. They took him away to be executed. That was two years ago though. I've moved on since then or at least Lavender is expected to. The truth is that I miss Xian a lot. I wanted to go with him. I was going to wait until I turned eighteen and then travel to wherever he landed. However, seven years is quite the lengthy time to wait for something. I guess he just got tired of waiting.
I did too I guess, but I coped with it. I didn't speak of it with anyone and I certainly cried about it. My hope was the years to come of joy. When I did cry about it I always sobbed ear-piercingly loud cries. My other friend Asdoe would always hand me a pillow to soften the noise and soak in the salty tears so they didn't run down my face. I will tell you about her later.

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