A Friend Who Is Dear

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That one friend we all have who is rich and can literally get anything they want. And not just anything- they can get everything. They want something- boom it's theirs. Well my friend like that is Asdoe. She has the most wonderful sense of humor and she is so loyal. Asdoe has beautiful long black curly hair that frames her face perfectly. Her deep brown eyes will scar your soul if you get too lost in them.
One time I remember we took a weekend trip with my older brother. We went up to Graid for a " bonding experience ." The first night ate at a small diner ( the best type of restaurant in my opinion) and spent the night on a bench. It really gave us some perspective on how some people get by. Even Asdoe realized she is privileged and gave some money she had to a homeless person we passed on the streets. It made her smile to give to that old man. Because of Asdoe's actions, that man benefited and he smiled brightly. Afterward, we went shopping at a couple places and had lunch at a food truck. It was serving French food so we all ordered crepes. Anyway, it was part of this downtown music festival and it was gorgeous. The leaves were bright yellow s and oranges. The air was filled with a slight breeze, and the streets were filled with smiling faces. It was the best trip ever! Anyway, Asdoe got along well with my brother and we had so much fun.
Asdoe has really helped me through some rough times and given me numerous  memories that I reminisce. Lavender would despair if Asdoe and Lavender were separated.

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