A Family Who Cares

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I must have the best family in the entire world. My family consists of me, my parents( obviously ), my older brother Castian, and my younger sister Felicity. Mainly I will tell you about my parents and then us as an incredible group. I'll talk about my siblings another time. Anyway, my parents are the greatest people of all time. They provide shelter, water , food , and lots of love for Lavender. I am so privileged to have such loving parents. They are also very optimistic. I have never once head them say anything negative. Nor can I recall a time when their attitude of life did not affect me in some way.
Felicity is silly. She is giddy about everything, which can get on your nerves, but as she grows up she becomes more and more serious. Almost in a sad way.
         Castian is overprotective and adventurous and a tiny bit reckless which can cause anxiety in me sometimes.

I like to imagine a world filled with hope and with peace when I'm with them. For a moment it seems to have all washed away. Sorrow, loneliness, despair, and (in particular)never are words that can vanquish with a simple thought. Destruction fills the word as if leaves someone's mouth and piece by piece everyone is torn apart. That is why I do not have much hope anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2018 ⏰

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