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  The chain user couldn't help but explore more after that. The old master was new to her. He may have been small but that didn't matter to him.

  He seemed to shrug any insult off and trust us. While he Is a respectable master, he does still get haters just like everyone. It was anyone's guess how he took so many blows unphased.

  "You take that back!"

  Po shouted angrily one day at a boar soldier.

  "Haha awe did I strike a nerve? What the tiger ain't around so it's not like it hurts her."

Crane held Po back. "Po we got the stolen jewels. Let's Just Go."

  The boar thugs laughed as the Five took the chests and started to leave.

  "See that boys! Their turning tail and running just like the Great Master Tigress. "

  Viper was about to tail slap him but someone beat her to it. Actually someone beat All the boars, seemingly all at once. Before anyone knew it, they were gagged and tied by chains.

  "Uh...oh kay then...Yeah! That's what'll happen to Anyone bad mouthing Tigress. Crane get these Bozo's to Chor Ghom."

  "Right, brush it off Po." He said before carrying them off.

  Po muttered the whole way back. Something about how he wasn't Shifu and couldn't just let things go. The others just let him be until they got to the master.

  They explained everything including the insult to Tigress. Shifu's back was to them so they couldn't tell how he felt. Perhaps it was best they Couldn't see or else they'd have seen his usual blue eyes spark red.

  "Thank you, take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow morning training as usual."

  "Yes Master Shifu."

  They bowed leaving him in moderate peace.

  Chain user POV

   I waited until the old panda was by himself to get any closer. I climbed silently up the pillar and watched. He stayed motionless for a long while before he started practicing his moves .

   They started out slow and easy at first, like usual. However as I continued watching his moves became faster, sharper and angrier.
Until he finally jumped and straight kicked a pillar in half.

  Luckily it wasn't the one I was on. I tilted my head noticing him shaking Abit. Clearly that insult about this Tiger warrior hurt him.

   I took that as my cue to go, I'd like to talk to the guy but I'm no good at emotions.

  "Hey you stop!"

  Ah damn, it's the panda. Time to run .

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