Part of my problem

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I knock on Cole's door around three o'clock and Seb opens it smiling a can of cider in his hand.

"Barakat made it!" He shouted letting me in, "Good to see you dude."

"Nice to see you to." I grab the can out his hand and take a sip before handing it back, "I have a massive problem."

"Let's get you drunk and talk about it." We walk into the living room where Cole, Max and Joey laughing and drinking, "Jacks here to drink his problems away again."

"Come sit it would better than hearing about Coles girl problems." Max laughed before taking a sip of vodka out the bottle making a face, "You want lemonade?"

"You're kidding." Joey is sitting on the arm of the chair drinking from a cup, "Jack drinks from the bottle like it's water."

Max shrugs handing me the bottle as I sit on the floor next to the drinks. I drink the last of the bottle with ease before dropping it.

"Mad." Cole said before carrying on his little rant, "In the DM's she was saying about how she had feels for me and next think I know she's with Awsten."

I cough up laughing and everyone stares at me, "Awsten is as straight as cooked spaghetti they won't last ten minuets."

"How do you know?" Cole asked as I opened a beer.

"I've slept with him." I shrug, "Kaitlin is just a cover up."

"You're gay?" Joey said in shock, "Like since when?"

"Oh shit you don't know." I laugh, if I wasn't drunk right now I would probably be panicking like crazy right now, "Well I'm gay and that's part of my problem."

"Wait wait." Cole was still wide eyed in shock, "So I don't have to tell Awsten to back off anymore?"


"So what's your problem?" Max asked as I picked up another beer.

"Zack Merrick." I sigh, "I'm in love with him and both my friends know and want me to tell him."


"I'm never telling him because it would never work and he would be upset." I shrug drinking the beer in record time, "Got anymore vodka? He's the reason I drink to forget I like him and him finding out would destroy him."

"I feel for you bro." Seb passes me a unopened vodka, "Let's just chill out and you try forget about it for a bit."


"Fuck." I mutter tripping over and falling into Cole, "I'm fucked."

"We can tell." Cole laughed peeling me off him, "You going to be okay getting home?"

"No." I attempt to stand again but fall into his arms, "Call Zack."

"I don't have Zack's number." He said letting me lean into him, "I'll call Rian."

"I want Zack." Max and Cole work together to sit me down, Joey and Seb have already went home, "Get Zack."

"Okay." Max sat down next to me stopping me getting any more beer, "We will try get Zack."

I don't know where Cole went but next thing I know I'm being helped up and taken to the door where Rian and Zack are standing.

"He's been rambling about you for the past twenty minuets Zack." Max struggles to hold me up on his own so Zack takes him off me, "I would keep a close eye on him he's been drinking Since Three. He's probably going to throw up soon because even Jack can't handle that much booze."

"Hi Zack." I laugh clinging to his neck, "I have something very important that I'm not meant to tell you."

"Oh shit." I hear Rian mutter under his breath, "Come on Jack let's get you home."

"It's very very important." I wave at Cole and Max as I stumble to Rian's car and fall in the back seat, "But I can't say anything."

"Why are you saying it then?" Zack asked doing up my seat belt for me and sitting in the back next to me, "Unless you want me to know."

"Yes." I bounce in my seat, "But I cant tell you incase I upset you."

"It's fine you can tell me."

"I feel sick." I say.

"Shit." Zack panics as I hold my head in my hands, "Rian, Jack is going to puke."

"Fuck." Rian pulled over to the side of the road just as the door opened I was sick out of it.

"Feeling better?" Zack asked rubbing my back.

"No." I feel my stomach do a backflip before the last of What's I've eaten today spills out, "I'm done being sick."

"Jesus." Zack keeps rubbing my back, "If you're feeling better are you going to tell me the very important thing you was meant to tell me."

"When did I tell you that?" I ask as the door shut.

"He's so fucked up he can't remember what he said five minutes ago." Rian said the from the seat, "Are you sure you want to find out when he won't remember what he said the next day?"


"I will remember." I demand, "I wouldn't forget telling you the very important thing I'm not meant to tell you."

"What is it Jack?"

"I'm in love with you but I'm not meant to tell you because you would realise I drink to forget I love you and it would upset you."

"Jack you're drunk." Zack muttered.

"I know." I look out the window for a bit, "I feel sick."

"I'm pulling over."

Zack opens the door for me again and pats my back as I puke and cough up food I didn't know was left.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Do you remember what you said before you was sick?"

"Yes." I smile at Zack proud I could remember, "But you have to forget I said it because you aren't meant to know."

"Okay Jack."

Authors note

Awh jack confessed but he's drunk and won't remember it tomorrow morning.

Shit guys I'm so sorry I forgot to publish this, I've been listening to a lot of bmth recently and just spent today chilling with them in my ears.

I look hot in pink.

If you want to follow notskygray on instagram I'll follow back. If you want.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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