Don't tell

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We all ended up deciding it's probably best if we take turns with who stays at who's. Theirs no point in everyone staying with me so I was at Alex's. Alex was complaining about the party's We was going to miss out on. It wasn't until he noticed me sitting on the floor staring blankly at my feet he realised that it was effecting me.

"Shit sorry Jack." He said, "I'm not saying it's your fault or anything. I care more about you getting better than partying."

"I just feel like a burden."

"I'm so sorry Jack." Alex said switching on the tv, "I wasn't thinking."

"I know." I sigh still not paying attention to my surroundings, "I feel like a burden anyway."

"I'm so sorry Jack."

"Don't worry about it."

"I'm sorry I'm shit at this." Alex shrugs sitting next to me, "I'm not like Zack or Rian in things like this because I drink more than what's healthy too. Not nearly as much as you do but I wake up have a beer before going in. It's not enough to get me drunk but it's something."

"Sometimes something is all you need." I admit, "I would have gave up and got drunk already if I wasn't doing this for Zack."

"Are you only doing it because you have a chance with Zack now?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." I admit laughing, "Can I ask you something and you promise to tell me the truth even if it's not what I want to hear?"

"Okay." Alex said in confusion raising his eyebrow.

"Is Zack really into me or is he just saying that so I stop drinking?" I ask, "I need to because I'm not sure."

"Honestly Jack." Alex said, "Unless he lied to me and Rian as well he's telling you the truth."

"Do you think he is?"

"Yeah. I do." Alex nodded, "When you found out you thought he was telling the truth what changed?"

"Well he kissed me then." Only me and Zack knew about that, "To prove it was real so the only thing running through my head was the fact I just got kissed by the hottest guy I know."

"You really need to speak to Zack about your doubts."

"I know I just don't want to because I want to have hope for as long as possible." I sigh, "Don't tell Rian any of this please."

"I won't."

Authors note

I forgot to post this earlier today. Sorry.

This is a little fillery but I'm going to get more onto the actual plot and Merrikat action soon. I may have a smutty chapter if y'all want that. Do you want that?

Anyway comment shit. What's going to happen next?

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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