I didn't think i needed to

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"When are Rian and Alex showing up?" I ask Zack shivering in his hoodie I borrowed, everything I'm wearing right now is his borrowed clothes.

"Soon." Zack said checking his phone, "They said they are on the way now together now."

It's the day after Boxing Day so the first day everyone was free to meet up so we decided to do the smart thing and meet up in the cold park instead of the warm mall. I was huddled into Zack's arms trying to keep warm. When I was still drinking I either never noticed the I cold or didn't care but right now I'm frozen.

"Hey lovebirds." I hear as Alex say as he enters the park with Rian, "You look like a actual real life couple."

"They are." Rian said before pausing, "Are you a couple now?"

I shrug my shoulders and look at Zack.

"Yes Jack you idiot." He laughed, "You're wearing me clothing, we made out for hours, you're sleeping in my bed and you spent Christmas with my family of course I consider us a couple."

"Well you never said anything."

"I didn't think I needed to."

"So now you guys sorted your relationship status can we get out of the cold now?" Alex asked bouncing on the spot, "Like me and Rian where both rooting for your relationship but I'm cold and rather we carry this on in the mall."

"Yeah lets go."

Zack put his arm around my shivering body as we walked to the bus stop. Alex and Rian kept commenting on how blind they where not to notice our crushes on each other because we where totally in love.

"How didn't we realise Zack wasn't straight?" Rian asked, "Like how many girls have you kissed ever?"

"One." Zack laughed, "Still more than Jack."

"The thing is everyone wants to kiss me." I say, "Nobody knows I'm gay as fuck even though I've slept with a bunch of guys."

"How the fuck did nobody ever find out!" Alex exclaimed as the bus came down the road, "You can tell just by looking at you that you aren't straight."

"No clue." I admit, "I may just be like fuck it and let everyone know."

"It's your choice." Zack said getting on the bus scanning his oyster (do Americans have Oyster cards for busses and trains?) , "I mean if you want to tell everybody we're together at the same time I'm happy with that."

"Really?" I ask scanning my own and following after him to the back of the bus.


"You know..." I say not one hundred percent sure what I was going to say next, "You are actually perfect."

"Thanks Jack. You are as well."

"Seriously." I continue, "I actually owe all of you so much."

Authors note

So I'm going to end this here before I start adding unnecessary drama to keep this going longer. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this. I will update this again when I start a new book to inform you all. Follow me so you get the notification and that's all. I'm not sure what plot or ship I'll be writing next but I will start again soon.

Comment shit. I love you all.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻

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