*Part 2*

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It wasn't until the fourth night of the waning moon that I saw her for the first time, her hair was long, dark, and shiny like a raven's wing, her skin looked like soft porcelain, and her eyes were as blue as the heavenly sky. I was alone that evening because I wanted to clear my thoughts and just be out without all the hassle of taking care of and looking out for my reckless and very loud brothers. So I decided it couldn't hurt to follow her and just analyze her from a distance to learn more about her...most vampires didn't see beauty, but I did, I guess it was because I lived among humans for so long I learned how to mimic some of their traits and few good qualities that humans had.

Instead of walking like most humans she sort of just glided over the sidewalk, she was so graceful I thought for a moment that she might just be a vampire already...but when I flew in closer to her I caught her scent and it was so alluring that I almost lost my flight balance and hit the neighboring wall instead of landing on the rooftop like a normal vampire. Her scent was so delicious she smelt like fresh Lilac and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I watched her intently as she walked into the building, I was a little hesitant about revealing myself to her so soon, especially right after that fucking hunter spotted me and was hot on my heels all the time, I had to stay on my guard for him because he was a sneaky little bastard.

Just after I said that to myself who was to know the little fucker would show up going into the same building as the girl I was interested in...I flashed my eyes in disgust as I flew in closer to the building and peeked inside thru the window to see what was going on. I saw Crisstopher walk right up to her and kiss her on the forehead, I growled deeply as my talons began to scrape into the concrete of the building, for the first time in my existence I felt the human emotion of jealousy...not to mention extremely pissed off! I climbed up the wall until I made it to the roof of the building and decided to wait them out and follow them, and maybe I could learn a lot more about my enemy and my new mate interest at the same time.

As I waited, of all my clan members to locate me, it had to be fucking Luke that came up beside me and asked me what I was doing stalking or hunting without him. I pushed his face away from mine and told him I was following a female that I was strangely attracted to, and he just needed to keep his mouth shut and either wait with me, or go back to the safe house. Luke stood up and asked me if she was a vamp or a human bitch. I rolled my green eyes at him and told him she was human for now, but as soon as I got her, she would be mine forever. I looked at Luke a second time and asked him what in the hell was he doing this far out anyway...but when I saw the fighting marks on him, it was self-explanatory. He was fighting with the rival clan that owned this territory. I stood up and told him that he needed to get back to the safehouse before they found him with me because I wasn't in the mood to get his ass out of trouble again...I had plans of my own this night.

So as soon as the girl came back out of the building, without the hunter, I took my leave from Luke and told him to get back to the safe house, before the rival clan found him and beat the shit out of him, or worse, then I flew off into the darkness after my target, after I scoped out the area for that hunter just to make sure he wasn't flanking me without me noticing. For several blocks I followed her, until she finally made it to her destination, I figured it was where she lived when she pulled out the house keys from her purse,  She went in and all the lights went on, I lit on her rooftop, and hung upside down, and looked thru the moon shaped window and watched her intently as she moved thru the house getting some hot chocolate and grabbing her night clothes and undergarments, she was preparing to take a shower, after she finished her hot chocolate, she went into the bathroom and shut the door.

I dropped in thru her window and began observing all of her objects and looking thru her house trying to measure up what type of girl she was, when I moved into the bedroom which was next to the bathroom, I saw several pictures of her and the vampire hunter, which at first made my green blood boil, and my eyes flash a bright green. But as I kept searching I found a picture with a family styled frame and realized that he wasn't her boyfriend, he was her brother. I heard the water go off and the tub door slide open and I knew I had to get out of there very quickly, but when I looked down a large gray tabby cat was rubbing in between my legs and purring very loudly, and when I backed up toward the window I came in from, and that damned cat started meowing loudly at me and standing up on its hind legs trying to get me to pay him attention. 

The girl called to her cat and he ignored her and kept pestering me as I was climbing out the window, I finally put my foot under his belly and  uplifted him, and he went flying all the way to the bed and landed on one of the pillows, I gave a slight grin as I put an invisible mark on the front door warning all other vampires to stay away, that she had been claimed  then I disappeared into the darkness.

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