*Part 7*

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Crisstopher slept in the next day, after his long trip and serious chat with his new somewhat friendly enemy. So Kc and Sully decided to do the morning rounds to make sure there were no vampires sucking on any humans around the area they protected. It was pretty much a dull walk until halfway thru their round...when they saw something very strange eating on a human behind the dumpster, in the back alley. Kc drew her sword very quickly but Sully held her back when he showed her that whatever that thing was, it wasn't just an ordinary vampire, this thing was totally jacked up on something...and it looked like it was going to be a little harder to kill than just killing a mere newbie vampire.

Kc kept watching how it moved from a safe distance and told Sully to go get her brother and to get him fast! Because that thing was killing people right and left, and not getting full at all. Sully grabbed her and told her to go get him and he would stick around and watch the monster because Crisstopher would kill him if he left her there in so much potential danger. Kc slapped him over his head then left after her brother. Crisstopher was walking around the room hunting for his other boot while playfully kicking Stutter about because he kept circling around his feet meowing very loudly. Kc burst into the door and told him he needed to hurry because there was some kind of new monster out there not just sucking the blood out of humans, but actually eating them! And that Sully was watching one, as she was speaking with him and it looked too dangerous of a creature to attack on their own.

Crisstopher put his boot on and grabbed his weapons and raced off with his sister to the alleyway where Sully was hiding out watching the creature finish up his third human. Crisstopher took a good look at it and told them both that staring at it wasn't going to get it killed, then they all three jumped out and surrounded it. The creature stood up and spread its double-hinged mouth as a very long split tongue came out, as it without fear advanced toward them all...and without provocation it attacked them. Sully was on his ass, in a split second, Kc and Crisstopher had their swords out and fighting it off, but every time they would cut off one of its arms or legs, it would grow another one back in its place. Crisstopher said he had just about enough of this fucking thing and while Kc distracted it, Crisstopher jumped on its back and cut its head off with his sword.

It fell down to the ground with Crisstopher standing over it, but instead of killing it, it began to move and grow instead of one head, it grew two! The creature wrapped its tongue around Kc's neck and tossed her back and forth against both walls on each side of the alley. Crisstopher was fighting it from the far side while trying to holler for Sully to wake the fuck up! Just then Crisstopher saw a red flash, then Kc being carried off to safety, he didn't see him, but he knew it was Klayton. Then he came back and after he got Crisstopher loose he asked him what in the hell did he create this time! Klayton looked at the creature as it attacked him for interfering, but Klayton was a lot quicker than it was and stronger than any 100 humans.

Klayton fought it off, and pulled Sully out of reach of the creature and tossed him to Crisstopher and told him to get him out of there. Then Klayton saw Crisstopher's sword and he grabbed it and instead of slicing protruding parts off, he crammed it thru the center cavity of its chest, then he did a spinning kick and lodged it all the way thru it. As Klayton walked toward Crisstopher who was holding Sully, the creature fell to the ground as slimy orange liquid oozed out of all of its orifices then turned into a pile of mush before it disintegrated. Sully woke up with a very nasty headache but other than that he was alright, as Kc ran down the street and jumped into her brother's arms and asked if he was alright.

Crisstopher checked her out when he saw blood coming from her forehead and nose, but she told him she was just fine. Then she walked up to Klayton and thanked him for saving all of them again. Klayton slightly touched her face, then told Crisstopher that there was a lot more of those things all over the city and that he needed to figure out a way to kill them fast, or there won't be any humans or city to protect. Klayton spun around and backed up toward the creature and pulled the sword from the slime and handed it to Crisstopher, and said if that was the only way to kill one of them, no human would be strong enough to kill them. Then he headed off to go for his evening hunt for his dinner.

Kc ran up to him and asked him for his help to kill them. Klayton smiled down at her and said a vampire helping a hunter, was that even at all possible or heard of. Kc grabbed his arm and added please help them. Klayton turned to face her and said he would help if she would be his, no if's and's or buts. Crisstopher grabbed her sister and told him no deal then they all headed back to his safe house. Klayton snickered devilishly and wished him luck on killing those things without a vampires help. Then he flew off into the evening sky to find his unfortunate victim because he was dying for a drink.

Luke, Dallas, Mickey and his girlfriend Abby flew down to meet him after his meal and asked him why he saved those hunters again, that they watched from the rooftop and said they weren't impressed or in agreement with him at all. Klayton grabbed Luke and told him if he didn't like the way he did things he was free to fucking leave for another clan anytime he wanted. If they didn't kill him just as soon as look at his ass. Then he told them all that there was something more dangerous and bigger than any of them put together and only if they worked together would they survive, because those new fucking creatures ate vampires too.

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