Evangelion: New System (Part 1)

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Evangelion: New System


Personnel Report//

Name: Kane Shinari

Age: 18

Rank: Captain

Job: EVA Pilot

EVA: Special Unit 13

Housing: NERV barracks

Roommate: Rei 

Team: EVA Special Unit

Position: Co Field Leader

Notes: Best pilot we have, but can be a bit of a slacker and can be uncaring. Always gets the mission done, however. Lost on purpose in a virtual battle with Asuka so she would be team leader instead of him. Has managed to bring Rei out of her shell more than anybody here thought possible. Good with people, but needs to cut down on the drinking. Gets along with the other pilots well, but has no patience with Shinji's moments of depression and/or hesitation. Since he's technically in a leadership position, he has opted to keep a log of his experiences with NERV. The following entries are from him.

May 22-

Kane: Wait... does the light mean it's recording?

Rei: I believe so.

Kane: Wonderful. Hello NERV. I'm keeping this voice log here so that when we all get blown up by some angels, maybe somebody will find this thing and hear how much of a hardass I was.

Rei: Aren't you supposed to be serious?

Kane: Most likely, yes. Alright you heard the lady. Business. I am newly assigned to the EVA special team. The other pilots have different EVAs that I will describe here:

Unit 000:

Pilot: Rei Ayanami (16)

Purpose: Original Prototype

Weapons: Standard battle rifle, AT-Knife, (other weapons unknown)

Engine: S-2.1

Speed: High

Strength: Mid

Armor: Mid

Unit 001:

Pilot: Shinji Ikari (16)

Purpose: Battle Prototype 

Weapons: Battle rifle, AT-Kinfe, shoulder missile launcher.

Engine: S-2.2

Speed: High

Strength: Mid

Armor: High

Unit 002:

Pilot: Asuka Langely (16)

Purpose: First Fully Operational

Weapons: N2-Sword, AT-Knife, Heavy Rifle, spike gun, missiles

Engine: S-2.1

Speed: Mid

Strength: High

Armor: Mid

Unit 13:

Pilot: Kane Shinari (18)

Purpose: New Prototype

Weapons: AT-Breaker rifle, AT-Katana, explosive needle-launcher

Engine: VX-520

Speed: Mid

Strength: High

Armor: High

(Note: All EVAs are able to use standard weaponry, such as oversized rifles, missile launchers, and (for unit 000) a massive minigun).

I like the pilots. Rei is quiet and shy, but a great pilot and she's really nice once she gets over her shyness *whisper* she went to go get lunch so that's why I'm doing hers now. *Normal tone* Anyways, NERV has put me up as her new roommate, a move I find strange. 

Like they expect me to seduce her or something. Don't get me wrong, I could easily. But that would be mixing business and personal, a combination I do not care for. Can you guys hear this down at command central? Who cares... but yeah, on to Asuka. Geez, what a little fireball. A great leader, but she is often a little overconfident. Loud and proud, she can appear uncaring, especially with Shinji. But in reality, she does care, and would put her life in the way to protect any teammate, even me (who she isn't too fond of either, despite the weird mixed signals). Then we have Shinji. He's often weak, scared, and depressed. This hurts his ability to be a pilot. When he isn't emotionally compromised (which is rare) he rivals me in terms of skill and power. His dad is the commander of NERV, and puts a lot of pressure on Shinji, who reacts poorly. I try to push him so he will stand up for himself, but he never does, or Rei or Asuka come to his defense. He needs to get his shit together, or he could be a potential hazard to the team. Looks like food is here, so I suppose that's a wrap for this log... sunuvabitch... Rei? What button is "stop recording?"

Rei: Umm... I think it's this one.

*End log one*

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