Evangelion: New System (Part 7)

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 May 28-

Asuka: I hope this is working... he never showed me how to use this recording thing. The reason Kane isn't doing this himself is he is in the hospital at the moment and Misato asked me to do this log for him. Maybe I should explain how he got there in the first place. This morning, he and I were called to the EVA docking station and told we had a mission.  

Misato: I need you two to get in your units, but you won't be piloting them right away. We're transporting you two to a remote testing station in Russia. We need you to contain an experiment that went haywire last night.

Kane: Can you be a little more specific?

Misato: I'll give you details on the way. Suit up, and get in.  

Kane and I get in our pilot suits and are injected into our EVAs. Each one is transported by two Skycarriers. When we were on our way, Misato came on the comm lines.  

Misato: I just heard that I won't be directing this mission. This mission is being transferred straight to Commander Ikari.

Asuka: What?

Kane: So how bad is it that he needs to be in control?

Gendo (Commander Ikari): Quite bad, I assure you. This is no trifling matter.

Asuka: Can you tell us more about what exactly went wrong and what we're up against, commander?

Gendo: Yes. We were testing a system called DummyPlug in a remote training ground in Russia. It is essentially an EVA with no pilot. It is a pioneer AI. It was going exceptionally well until we put it into phase 3, which is full-combat testing against some of our drones. It ripped them apart in a matter of seconds, which delighted the testing team until we tried to shut it down. It refused. It has developed a will of its own, so to speak. Our mass-production EVA units, those winged EVAs we tested against you, are there now trying to contain it, but they are having little effect.

Kane: So you want us to destroy it?

Gendo: No. I want you to take it down with minimal damage.

Asuka: How? 

Gendo: Remove the plug. We tried to eject it, but it failed. It's located in the back, just like yours. But if all else fails, destroy it. We don't want this thing getting us into a war.

Kane: Can do, commander. But why not send Shinji and Rei too?

Gendo: EVA units 000 and 001 are being tasked elsewhere.

Asuka: Besides, Kane, we can take this down ourselves!

Kane: Let's hope so.

SkyCarrier pilot: We're nearing the drop zone. Stand by.  

I looked down and saw it. An obsidian black EVA, heavily contrasted against the white snowy landscape, ripping apart the winged EVA's. Blood covered the icy hills for a wide radius around the EVA. We dropped from the carriers and engaged it, severing our link with the carriers and starting our countdown. Kane and I both charged the EVA from different directions. It spun into the air, kicked Kane back, grabbed me by the wrist and threw me. We landed next to each other.  

Kane: How come it hasn't run down its battery yet?

Gendo: We're working on explaining that. Keep in mind you two only have 5 minutes to take it down.

Asuka: Understood.   

The black EVA rushed us again. Kane grabbed its arms and tried to hold it down.  

Kane: Asuka! Get the DummyPlug!  

I jumped past the black EVA and grabbed the pilot plug. It had a red skull on it with "dummy" written on it in Kanji and English. I pulled, but couldn't get it to budge.  

Kane: What are you doing? Get the plug!

Asuka: It won't budge!

Kane: Cut it out with a knife!  

I drew my knife and stabbed the pilot plug. The black EVA roared ferociously and finally overpowered Kane, throwing him through a mound of snow. I looked at my battery clock. 3:38 left.   

Kane: Did you get the plug?

Asuka: No! One of my knives is in it though.

Kane: Commander, we are either going to loose two pilots and two EVAs or one EVA and a plug. Make a decision.

Gendo: If your clock falls below 1 minute, you have permission to destroy it.

Asuka: We're not going to last that long! 

The black EVA opened its mouth and roared again before charging me. I blocked it, but it was too strong and pinned me against the ground.

Asuka: Kane? Help!

Kane: Hang on.

Asuka: Where are you?


As he said that, he burst out of a pile of bloodied snow and tackled the black EVA off of me. He pinned it and started pounding on it like a rabid gorilla. But before I could help, the black EVA roared again and shot out a burst of energy that sent Kane flying back.

Asuka: What was that?

Kane: I don't know, but I'm growing tired of getting shot by everything I fight.

My timer clicked below 1 minute of battery life.

Kane: Time's up, commander. I'm killing it.

Gendo: Go.

Kane drew the AT-Katana and attacked the black EVA. I drew my remaining knife and backed him up. The black EVA shot the energy burst again, which knocked me back, but Kane's sword cut through it. He yelled as he threw the sword like a spear at the EVA. It impaled it through the heart, destroying the plug. Or so he thought. 

Kane: Hah! Yes! Suck on that, DummyPlug! Let's wrap this up, commander.

But before the commander responded, the black EVA came back to life and pulled the sword out of its chest.

Asuka: Kane look out!!!

I got up and ran towards them. But it was too late... the black EVA stabbed Unit 13 straight through the pilot plug. I heard him scream... but he didn't go down. He reached into the black EVA's chest and ripped the plug out from the inside, before hitting zero time and falling into the snow. Recovery crews were sent to retrieve him, as well as all 3 damaged EVAs. As I came back, I felt so useless. I know I couldn't have made it to him fast enough... but still. From what I heard, he had severe damage to his heart and left lung, and various other injuries. He sustained the damage his own EVA did. As of now, he has about a 19% chance of survival. It's not great... but it's at least something. I'll report back later should anything develop.

(That night)

Asuka: Hey I'm back. He's going to be okay! But... the reason why has me horrified, as it does most of NERV. In the middle of his surgery, he apparently regained consciousness and healed his own wound in a matter of seconds by simply passing his hand over it. According to the doctors, his eyes were red and had multiple rings around the pupil. He then smiled at the doctors, thanked them in a voice they ALL HEARD IN THEIR HEADS, and passed back out. I'm scared of what this means. Is he an angel? No... why would he kill his own kind? Is this some kind of plan by them? NERV is going to question him when he regains consciousness again. I refuse to believe he's an angel. But I went to see him. Where a terrible gaping wound had been before was new flesh, clean and unharmed. I need to go. They want me present at his questioning, and he seems to have just woken up. If I can, I'll report the rest later.

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