Evangelion: New System (Part 6)

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  May 27- Not much new has happened. Yes, Asuka and I are together. No I haven't seen or talked to Shinji. Rei is still nice to me, but distant. I figured I'd provide a little backstory about me in case anybody is interested... or even hearing this.  

I was born in the US, and grew up in the Bostonian suburbs. When I was 10, my parents divorced, and I moved with my father to Japan and the NERV base, where he had landed a job as one of the leading EVA developers. I grew up very much alone. Anybody I met in school didn't like me because I wasn't from Japan, so I learned how to fight. I was good at it. I had a lot of anger and my dad couldn't give less of a fuck what I did, so I fought a lot. When I turned 13, he took notice, and signed me up as a potential EVA pilot. Unit 10 (my current unit's original number. Why they didn't start at one or zero like they did later, I don't know. I changed it to 13 because it felt like spitting in the face of fate) had just begun initial testing. As a bit of a side note, Unit 13 was made before Unit 000, and was actually a great success... when it could be controlled. It was unresponsive to being piloted, accept for by those it seemed to choose. 10 candidates were selected for the EVA pilot program. Needless to say, I absolutely owned everybody else in my pilot class, so I was given the position. Then... my father passed away.

I didn't fight so much after that, but I did start drinking when I was 15. Bad, bad habit. Lots of easily stolen booze. I made some friends after that, but they burned out and dropped out, so I was left alone again. More drinking and depression. After a while, I got my shit together and I basically began to live in the EVA sims. By the time I was 16, I was surpassing even the most difficult challenges the sim creators could come up with. I sold off all my old booze, save for some, and with the money I siphoned from NERV (hey, I was working for them so I simply saved them the trouble of paying me and took the cash myself) went and bought a car. I loved that car and still do. Unit 13 may be my ride, but my midnight-blue 1975 Mustang Boss will always be my baby. When I turned 18 and got the fuck out of highschool, I moved into one of the NERV apartments. Of course by then, I had met Rei a few times, and units 000 and 001 were in production. Asuka's came from Germany, so I never saw it built. I helped paint both for a little extra cash. And now we're at present day. My new girlfriend is watching me put in this entry. She's very cute.  

Asuka: You're dumb.

Me: Oh really? Did you ever see my grades?

Asuka: No. Considering what I just heard, I'd assume they sucked.

Me: Wrong. Even with the copious amounts of booze, I was valedictorian of my class of 158 students. I was a prodigy.

Asuka: WHAT?

Me: Yup. My IQ is off the wazoo.

Asuka: You? Impossible.

Me: I know, right?

Asuka: How come you never put it to use?

Me: I don't do stuff that I don't want to unless I must. I've always been alright here.

Asuka: What was that you said about siphoning money from NERV?

Me: Eheheh... let's pretend I DIDN'T say that.

Asuka: How much?

Me: These people pull in more government funding that most countries have in all their banks. What I take they would never even notice.

Asuka: Answer my question, Kane.

Me: Saved up over 2 years and minus the stuff I have bought, I have about 25 grand.

Asuka: WHAAA???

Me: That's not that much.

Asuka: Your room, housing, and food are all payed for! 

Me: Yup. The rest I save so I can do fun stuff. Like keep my car running. And buy things for people I like, hint hint.

Asuka: You're bribing me to keep this quiet?

Me: I'm bribing you to forget this ever happened. That, and you're my girlfriend. You seem like the type to like shiny things?

Asuka: You're an evil evil man, Kane Shinari. And I love it.

Me: And that's it for this recording. Sorry it's short. I'll make up for it another time perhaps.  

*End Log 6*

Evangelion: New SystemWhere stories live. Discover now