One Step Closer (Sequel to OSAAT)

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Hello fruiters!

So, I'm writing a sequel to One Step at a Time. *Applause sign blinks* Guys, you are are suppose to applaud... you know clap? Well, fine, make me look bad.

I'm going to just summarize what happened in the first book... so if you haven't read it, spoiler central right here. So pretty much what happened was....

Lauren and Ali were 19 year old best friends at the beginning. Ali signed up for some random contest to win tickets to England and they won! Yayy! Then, when they got to England, they went to a concert and One Direction was performing. They chose Lauren to come up and sing some random song, she did, they thought she was good, so, they asked if she would help them sing... stuff. They both met them, Ali fainted, they ate food, and then Ed Sheeran came...

Then they stayed in England for about 6 days and they came back did some crap, then One Direction visited and then...


Lauren falls in love and Ali falls in love... with people... maybe two of the boys.... maybe not... (If you don't know who they fall in love with, you haven't read the first book)

So, anywho, all of that happened.

NOW. I'm going to remind you of all the characters! Because I absolutely hate it when I read fanfics and someone named like Hillary comes in and I'm like: Who? Why? Whut?

So Characters.

- Lauren Hanson - Main character. Best friends with Ali, she loves books, school, and Ed Sheeran, she's short, she's a blonde.

- Ali Baker - Main character. Best friends with Lauren, she loves to fangirl, she's pretty tall, she's a brunette who loves One Direction.

- Louis Tomlinson - Main character. 1/5 of One Direction, he's pretty dang hot if you ask the writer of this book, and he's amazing.

- Harry Styles - Main character. 1/5 of One Direction, he has amazing hair, and he's amazing aswell, just like his hair.

- NIall Horan - Main character. 1/5 of One Direction, he's irish, and hot, and amazing. His the bestest if you ask the best friend of the writer of this book.

- Liam Payne - Supporting main character (is that a thing?). 1/5 of One Direction, he's adorable if you ask the sister of the writer of this book, he's amazing.

- Austin Blake - Supporting main character. Best friends with Lauren and Ali, tallllllllllllllll, he's cool.

- Zayn Malik - Supporting main character (hopefully this is a thing). 1/5 of One Direction, his hair is fantabulous, he's the hottest man alive if you ask the sister of the writer of this book, and he is amazayn.

- Tanner Hanson - Supporting character. Brother of Lauren, father of Addie, and a single dad with himself.

- Addie Hanson - Supporting character. Daughter of Tanner, niece of Lauren, and adorable.


- Ricky Carter - Best friends with Lauren.... uh, drama geek.

- Luke Hood - Also best friends with Lauren... just a dork.

- Jack Taylor - Alsoo best friends with Lauren. Fangirl buddies with Ali.

- Kylie Fender - Friends with Ali and Lauren.

NOWWWW. I hope you enjoy the sequel! *Applause sign blinks* YES FINALLY! Oh wait... I'm the one clapping. Jesus.


One Step Closer (Sequel to OSAAT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora