Chapter Thirty-Nine

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(Another #Nialli chapter ALERT)

Ali's POV

From Niall - Sure...

I sighed as I read his reply. "Of course he doesn't want to talk, I broke his heart. I beat his heart up. I bought a chainsaw and tore his heart to pieces."

"Ali..." Lauren said and I looked at her. "Calm down. Besides, he said 'sure' that's not a no."

"Those three idiotic dots makes it a Not-Really-But-I-Don't-Want-To-Upset-You. And you know it." I sighed and looked at my phone. "What do I say?" I asked Lauren.

"I don't know... how about something along the lines of, how are you?" she said, sarcastically.


To Niall - So, how've you been?

"Weak." Lauren said and I rolled my eyes at her. Someone started knocking on our door and I looked at Lauren. "Alright, I'll get it. No need to go out of your way to answer the door." Lauren walked out of our room and to the door. My phone beeped and I quickly looked down at it.

From Niall - Not so great, to be completely honest with you... which I always was.

I sighed as I read his reply and laid my phone down. I tried to listen in on what the person at the door was saying to Lauren, but I could barely hear anything. My head was full of my screams about Niall.

"Uh, sure... I'll let her know." I heard the door shut and Lauren walked back into the room. "A guy named Jonathan told me to tell you that you're out of sick days."

"Jonathan can go fu-"

"What has Niall said?"

"He's being rude, so I'm not answering." Lauren took my phone and I sighed.

"He has a point."

"Why are you being bitchier than usual?" I asked her.

"I'm not. Just text him back."

To Niall - Ha-ha... good one.

I sighed and laid my phone back down. My phone started ringing and I looked at Lauren.

"Well? Answer it." I picked my phone up and answered it.


Niall's POV

"Hello?" I heard her voice and smiled to myself.

"Hi." I replied. "How's Jack?"

"Are you trying to make me feel like shit? Because bravo, you're amazing at what you do." Ali sighed and so did I.


"Why should you be? You're right." I sighed and rubbed my face. I looked at Harry and he rolled his eyes at me. "I'm sorry, Niall. I can't believe I ever did that to you..."

"Yeah, I can't believe you did that, either." I sighed, knowing I was sounding like a complete jackass, but it was hard not to. I didn't know how to appropriately talk to her in this situation.

"Okay, I didn't have to text you, Niall. I didn't have to give in to talking to you at all. I didn't have to keep your stupid bracelet so I could talk to you, but I did, so I would appreciate you being just the slightest bit nicer. Sure, state the facts, but don't be a rude ass."

"Ali, I'm sorry. I'm either in love with you or a jackass, there isn't an in between. I figured it be much more appropriate to be an ass than talk to you like I'm still your boyfriend and oblivious to the fact that we're over. So, therefore, I have to be an ass to talk to you." Louis started laughing and I flipped him off. I walked back to the room I was in before I went to eat, and shut the door.

"Niall... you're not in love with me." she told me and I rolled my eyes.

"The both of us might wish I weren't, but I am." I sighed and sat down. "I still get upset over all of this... it's been awhile and I know you're not affected, but I am. I love you a lot, Ali... it's hard not to. I haven't known you all that long, but I've known you long enough to know that we make sense... that we made sense. I still don't understand why you used Jack to hurt me, maybe I never really will... I just know that I love you and at some point you loved me, too. And guess what? I miss those days." I hung up the phone and sighed. "I miss them a lot." I told myself.

Ali's POV

"I do, too..." I said into the phone after Niall hung up. "Lauren... what have I done?"


"Ali! Jack's here!" I heard Lauren yell. My eyes widened and I quickly got under my covers. "Oh, crap! I completely forgot! Ali fell asleep... she hasn't been feeling goo-"

"I don't care, I need to talk to her." Jack said, hatefully.

"Well, first off, I don't give a shit. Second off, I don't care if you were about to die and you needed to talk to her, you're going to leave and you're not going to come back until you realize you're an asshole." I heard a door slam and I jumped. Not knowing who had slammed the door, and at this point, who was on which side of the door. Someone walked into the room.

"Why the hell is he acting like that?" Lauren asked me, pissed off. "God, yesterday he was a perfectly fine guy who loved you and then you miss meeting his stupid family and he literally grows a vagina and starts his period." I laughed a little and Lauren looked at me, starting to laugh too. "I'm serious!"

"Well, you're moodier than ever, so maybe it's just getting passed along."

"Okay, I'm tired. I get like this sometimes and you know that." she told me and I shrugged. "I understand he wanted you to meet his family... but Jack has never been like that... he's a really nice person."

"I don't know..." I sighed. "Something must've happened when he went to go see his family. Maybe something went wrong with his sister-"

"Ali, Jack is an only child."

"Not since yesterday, he isn't."

"He wasn't playing What If..." she said to herself and furrowed my eyebrows. "Has he said anything about meeting her?"

"No... he's been a bitch, though."

"His dad."

"What?" I asked her.

"I'll be back. Hey, uh, text Niall some more, okay?"

"Lauren, where are you going?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Uh, I have to go talk to Luke." she told me, lying. "See you later!" She ran out of the dorm and I sighed. I looked at my phone and sighed. I quickly sent Niall a message.

Niall's POV

From Ali - I miss them, too.


Hello! So, there's another short #Nialli chapter... very short...

I hope you guys enjoyed the #Nialli and #AntiJali! It's been fun writing!


~Emma. :)

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