Chapter Thirty-Five

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Ali's POV

As soon as I got back, I walked to Jack's dorm. We had a movie date and I promised I wouldn't miss it. I got to his dorm and knocked on the boys' door. After a few minutes of no one coming to the door I knocked again.

"Jack?" I asked. I knocked again, but still got no answer. I sighed and grabbed the doorknob. It was unlocked and I raised an eyebrow. I opened it slowly and looked around. "Hello?" I continued to walk around. "Do I have to call you Jack-Jack or?" I walked to the bedroom area of their dorm and I sighed. "I hope your dorm gets thieved! Or broken into... whatever."

"Uh... what are you doing here?" I heard someone ask and I quickly turned around.

"Uh, my boyfriend lives here." I said.

"Oh. You're Ali...?" he asked me and I nodded slowly.

"And you are?"

"Oh! I'm Nick. I'm in classes with Ricky, Jack, Luke, and Lauren..."

"Oh, okay." I said and looked around. "Do you know where Jack is?"

"Can't say I do." he said and I sighed. I walked out of his room and so did Nick. He closed the door and I continued to walk down the hall. I bumped into someone and looked up to see Jack.

"Oh, hey." he said smiling at me.

"Where were you?" I asked him and we started walking back to his room.

"I had to use the bathroom..." he said and I sighed.

"It's not safe to leave your door unlocked." I said and opened his door.

"I didn't want to pee myself... I'm sorry." he said and I sighed. "What's up?"

"I don't know. I'm just tired." I said and sat down on the couch. Jack shut the door and locked it. He sat down beside me and turned me around so that my back was facing him. "What are you- Oh my God. That's heaven." I said as he started massaging my shoulders.

"Why are you so tense?" he asked me and I sighed.

"I don't know." I said and he kissed the back of my neck. "You have to meet my parents soon."

"I'm okay with that." he said and I sighed. I grabbed his hands and he took them away from my shoulders. I turned back around to him and looked at him.

"That's a big deal for me." I said.

"I understand that." he said and he kissed my forehead.

"What if they don't like you?" I asked and he sighed.

"Well, I'm glad to have such an encouraging person in my life." he said and a sighed in frustration.

"This is really important to me." I said and he held both of my hands in his.

"Alison Claire, I understand that it's important to you. Meeting your parents is important to me, too. I plan on being with you for awhile and if your parents don't like me, Jack-Jack won't feel too good about himself." Jack said and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Do you know how nervous I was when I realized Briley was your sister?"

"You were nervous?"

"Uh, yeah." he said with a 'duh' tone. "I'm a normal person... I'm scared to meet your mom... and definitely your dad."

"Don't worry, they'll love you." I said and played with his hair.

"But what if they don't?" he asked.

"Aww." I said and hugged him. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Good. That makes me feel better." he said and I smiled. He got off the couch and I sighed. "Do you still want to go to that movie?"

One Step Closer (Sequel to OSAAT)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon