3. midnight snacks & deep convos

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Sage's POV

I'd been sleeping for maybe an hour before I woke up surrounded by darkness. I'm sleeping in Nate's room since we had watched a horror movie last night and I was a bit paranoid about the girl crawling out of the television and Nate said he'd protect me.

I look to my left and see that Nate's peacefully sleeping. I search in the pocket of Nate's hoodie, that I was currently wearing, for my phone. I hadn't checked it since before the movie.

I unlock my phone to see that I had countless Snapchats & a few texts from friends. I was genuinely surprised to see that I had received a text from Drew.

From droo🔥: hey, can we talk? -9:38pm

To droo🔥: uh sure. when n where?

From droo🔥: now. meet me in the kitchen

I lugged my tired body to the kitchen to find Drew already waiting. I walk to the fridge to get something to snack on while I speak with him.

"What's up Drew?" I say as I close the fridge with my elbow, as my hands were full holding the chocolate milk and some strawberries. I set my items on the island and take a seat next to Drew on one of the stools.

"I wanted to apologize about yesterday," he replies as I pour some chocolate milk in a glass.

"What about yesterday?" I ask, curiously, sipping at my drink.

"The way I acted when you came home with food for us. I was being a douche and I didn't mean to make you think I hated you."

"Oh. I just didn't understand what I did to make you act like that honestly."

"You didn't do anything, I just... It's just that I feel like you and me aren't as close as your friendships with the other guys. I guess I just want us to be closer."

"You want us to be closer? So you were trying to let me know that by being a complete asshole? Cause that makes total sense," I say sarcastically, taking a bite of my strawberry.

"Look, I'm not good with my feelings or saying what I want. All I know is that I want us to be better friends. I'll have to adjust my dickhead tendencies to make you not hate me."

"Sure you will. Good luck with that." I get up, push in my stool, and put the strawberries away.

"What's it going to take for you to believe me?"

"Actions speak louder than words, my friend. Figure it out." and with that I make my way back to Nate's room for some much needed beauty sleep.

Figure It Out// Drew DirksenWhere stories live. Discover now