About The Story.

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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story, I hope you all like it :) I worked very hard on it. I just wanted to let you guys know some things before you read this:

1.) I tried my best to incorporate most of the events that happened in the Beatles' lives, but there are some things that I didn't include or that I included too early/late in the story.

2.) Some of these events are real, some of them aren't, like the ones that include Mel.

3.) I curse a lot and have a lot of sexual content/jokes.

4.) There's a lot of Juicy stuff and tea here ;)

5.) I mean, there are some funny parts in the story. . . to me.

6.) I exaggerate the characters and personalities of The Beatles. Beatles stans, you know what I'm taking about? Like Paul saying "y'know" a lot and being sassy, George eating too much, John being John and Ringo being Ringo? I hope no one gets offended.

7.) Some parts are cringey, I know I told you this a lot of times,  I'M JUST SAYING FAM.

8.) If there is anything you don't understand or have feedback/ suggestions please feel free to reach out to me :D

9.) I know Liverpool has their slang/ way of talking, but it's really hard to incorporate this throughout my story since I'm from America so I might slip up sometimes.

10.) I would like to thank The Beatles for existing ily so much. Can we just take a moment and appreciate how beautiful they are?

And that's about it!

I'm really nervous to share this with people

Enjoy! I'll upload chapter one this week!

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