Chapter 20: Plan Execution

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Jokesters POV:

I arrive at the part at 9 pm sharp. I walk up the steps mask on and look at the guards. One checks me out like i'm a piece of meat hes ready to dig into, the other just does a quick up and down look of me and lets me in. 'Perverts' I think to myself as i walk in. 

Once i'm in i take a quick look around the place. Its huge. People everywhere, different mask, butlers offering different appetizers to people. 'Enough looking time to work' I remind myself.

I begin my wandering, checking off what is where and where people are, but most importantly where Jackson himself is. Once I've gathered everything i need i go t the restroom and call pumpkin.

Phone call:

J:I got a visual of everything pumpkin

P: Good baby doll. send me the photos and details of the place you've obtained. 

J:sending them now

P: Where is Jackson located?

J: The far left corner behind the blinds

P: Good. The plan is a go baby doll, now do what you were told

J:Yes pumpkin.

Phone call ends

After my phone call with pumpkin i leave the bathroom and wait close to Jackson's location. Then I here the shots. Gun shots and screams have taken over all the music and chatter around the party. 'Now Jokester' I think to myself as i begin to run. I run as fast as i can over to Jackson's area, where i thankfully see him still there. 

"HELP PLEASE THERE TRYING TO SHOOT ME! PLEASE!" I scream as i run up to Jackson. His face has horror all over it as he sees his party go to hell. Once he sees me crying and scream for help he rushes and takes my hand 'Gross bastard' I think. "I know where you can be safe just follow me, and maybe after you can give me a little something for helping you." His face goes into a huge smile after saying that. My heart drops into my stomach. 'Hurry pumpkin, before this man does something he regrets'. Jackson pulls my arm as he begins to run, causing me to get pissed off, but I go with him for the missions sake.

Jackson takes me down a long hallway, towards these huge doors. He quickly pulls the doors open and shoves me inside. "We'll be safe here beautiful" he tells me. "Thank you" I say feeling disgusted that i' still doing this. "Now hows about you give me that prize now for saving your sexy ass back there?" Jackson moves closer trying to grab my arm. "The shootings not over yet what if we're found?" I ask trying to sound innocent 'Barf'. "Oh we'll be fine, they can't get in passed the locked door" He gets much closer now, basically breathing on me. 'Pumpkin please hurry'.I think just before he slams his lips on mine.

A/N Hey guys sorry for not writing anymore. Ive just been really busy with school and such. But im writing a few chapters today to make up for some lost time. Hope you enjoy them


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