Chapter 19

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Everything was dark. Nothing could be seen or heard. Gold was standing in that darkness. He didn't know what was going on, but he was scared.

Water droplets could be heard falling, but he didn't know where. It suddenly started to get cold. Gold shivered as he started to walk, to walk away from the coldness. He couldn't escape it, it got colder with each step.

He closed his eyes as he dropped to his knees. When he opened them, everything was white. Miles of whitness could be seen. His breath hitched as he recognized where he was. He was back at the mountain.

He struggled to get up, but when he did, he heard a low growl. When he heard that, he froze in his spot and started to panic. The low growl grew louder, then it turned into a snarl.

Gold then slowly looked behind him and gasped at what he saw. It was Blue, but she was covered with a black mist. When she looked up at Gold, he wanted to run and hide. Her eyes were glowing, but the color was different, they were red.

"Are you scared Gold?" She mocked and came closer. Her voice was distorted and deeper then what it usually was. All Gold could do was back away, but soon he was at cliffs edge and couldn't move any further.

"Red was mine! Then you took him away. That baby you are carrying, I bet it's not even his! I bet you slept with a bunch of men, just like the slut you are"

She had snarled everything she had said with venom. Pure hatred could be heard in her voice. As she neared Gold, he was breaking down. Tears were flowing down his face as he shook it.

"I would never do that" he said weekly since he was scared, scared for himself and the baby. She stopped when she heard that then started to cackle.

"Yeah right, keep being innocent. We both know what happened a few months ago" she said with a smirk. When Gold had started to remember what happened before he came to this mountain, his whole world crumbled.

"No! It wasn't like that! It was forced!" He cried out and fell to his knees. His face was in his hands as he cried. Blue kneeled down near him and started to pat his head.

"Everything will be forgiven and forgotten....When you die" she said and lightly pushed Gold back. He couldn't stop what was happening, all he knew, was that he was falling. Falling into an abyss of darkness.

As he fell, memories came and went. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't see them. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and screamed out in pain. Over his screams of pain, he heard voices that kept repeating his name. It only got louder until he finally opened his eyes.

He saw Red sitting next to him, with a worried look. Gold could feel his heart beating rapidly and he could feel the coldness on his face, from when he had cried. Red pulled Gold into a hug and started to rub his back.

"Everything is okay, everything will be all right." He said when while rubbing Gold's back in a soothing motion. Gold's face was in Red's chest. He started to cry again. He cried what he had felt and what he had heard. He wanted to cry it all away.

After a while of Gold crying, he started to calm down. His cries turned into sniffling. Red started to rub Gold's head, which made Gold look up at him. He looked up into those caring, red eyes that he loved.

"Will you tell me what happened in that nightmare you had?" Red asked as Gold sucked in a shaky breath. Gold then nodded softly and placed his head on Red's chest again.


Hello my fellow sinners ;D.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while.

I had a mixture of school and writers block.

Hope you like this chapter, and I hope you hate Blue more!!

(On Hold, Re-writing) Golden Rose (Polishipping)Where stories live. Discover now