Chapter 3: smurfette's sleepover

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Smurfette was getting ready for her sleepover, she was excited that smurflily ,smurfblossom, smurfstorm, and smurfmelody are coming over for a sleepover.

Smurfette went to the kitchen, and she open her cooking book, and decided what to make for the sleepover. Until she heard a knock on the door, she went to the door and see who is it. It was smurfblossom carrying a bag. (Which is her clothes.) Smurfblossom was excited about smurfette's sleepover,then she burst out a greeting. "Hiya smurfette!!!!!!! I'm here for the sleepover!!!!!" Smurfette smile and giggle at blossom, "hi smurfblossom, you're early...". Smurfblossom giggled " uhhhh... of course !!!!!!! I'm early, cause I was excited for the sleepover !!!!!!" Smurfette smile and knew that blossom was excited..... too excited. Then smurfette ask smurfblossom a question." So...... where's lily ,stormy, melody? Smurfblossom explain " They're waiting for smurfstorm....Cause smurfwillow told smurfstorm to do a recon check."

Smurfette knows what smurfblossom meaning, smurfblossom went inside and put down her bag on the floor. Smurfblossom look around in smurfette's mushroom, and she was impressed. Smurfblossom looks at smurfette ask "so..... what do I do until smurflily, smurfstorm, and smurfmelody gets here ?" As smurfette  grabs ingredients (which is for the food of the sleepover.)" You can help make some desserts for the sleepover. " smurfblossom nob " sure!!!!! Anything for my new best friend..." smurfette and smurfblossom are working together to make desserts, then finally they finished another batches of cookies. Then smurfette and smurfblossom heard a knock at the door, smurfette went to answer it. It was smurflily, smurfstorm, smurfmelody outside, smurfette greeted them "hey !!! Lily, melody, and stormy !! You made and blossom were done finishing up some cookies, cupcakes, muffins, and cakes." Smurflily, smurfstorm, smurfmelody giggle, "well, looks like we're going have a good sleepover." Smurflily sighed, then they heard a loud boom. Smurfette looks at the sky and it was cloudy and very very dark, " Look like you girls made it." Smurfette happily.
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