Finally Found Someone To Talk To(2)

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Author's Note real quick:
This is when Namjoon is talking.
This is when Y/N is talking.

Oh and pretend you are at a "uk" place in Korean so most people there are from uk and speak english. Yeah, i know it's weird.

End of Author's Note.

(Y/N's POV)

Me and Namjoon really clicked! We talked about how our lives were, about how books really are important, about deep thoughts. Now i understand why people love to talk to each other!

Oh I have dance practice now, i got to go." Namjoon said as he looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Oh it's alright, i hope i will see you in the future" I said while smiling sadly.

Namjoon packed up his things and started to walk away. Then, we stopped. He wrote something on the piece of paper and then finally leave.

I looked at the piece of paper...

AHHHHHHHHHHHH-(To be continued)!

He gave me his phone number!!!

I took my phone and placed his number inside, putting his contact as "JoonMonster❤" because why not?

You packed up your things and leave as you were starting to be hungry(from talking) and you didn't want to waste money as your mother keeps buying food and not eating them.

"Eomma! I'm home!"you yelled as you stepped into the house, removing your shoes.

"Hey honey. One, you're back earlier than usual! And two, why are you calling me 'eomma'?" My mother asked.

"Number 1,I met a guy and talked to him so now I'm hungry and number 2,'eomma' is mother in korean" i said.

"Oh no wonder- wait! a guy? is he nice, friendly, caring and funny? Oh and is he rich?" my mom eagerly ask. I was in university and my mom wants me to find a boyfriend :/

"Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. But mom, are you asking this so that you can make sure that if him and i date that he is the right guy?" I asked suspiciously.

"Hehehe maybe" my mom replied as she smile a weird smile and scoot over to the kitchen.

"Moooommmmmm!" I yelled a little.

My mom chuckled from the kitchen and yelled back," Don't worry about it honey. Now I'm cooking for you korean knife noodles, is that fine?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks mom!" I replied before going back to my room.

My room was simple but it was lovely, it didn't have too many books since i usually don't borrow any library books but just read in the library.

( My room: )

( My room: )

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