Oh, i found you again!(4)

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Previously on The Library:

"Jin, i think i like a fan"

"Oh! Good to know? You know if you date a fan there'll be a ton of people who would give hate to her right?"

"Ya i know but she's very nice and friendly and pretty-"

"But wait, when was the first time you've met her?"

"Um today"

"Aish, then how do you know you love her when you just met her?'

"I don't know hyung, i just know it"

"Well whatever happens,I'll just support you. Do anyone else know?"

Back to normal time.

The next day


I decided to go to the library again to see if she would be there again.

I walked into the library, going to the same table i saw her first at.

I wonder if she would come her everyday, i had forgotten to ask her yesterday.

I turned round the corner to find that hidden table.

Oh!! Daebak! I finally found her!



Who are those people who are with her?



I stormed over to the table and half-yelled,

"What are you doing?!"

A boy snickered and replied,

"Is this your boyfriend Y/N? Pish, he's freaking ugly"

I  smack him across the face, leaving a bright red mark there.

Just like in KDramas, the boy put his hand on the mark and slowly turned his head back to facing me.

"You fool. Guys, get him"

His gang members started circling me, with their fist up like boxers, they charged at me one by one like how weird action movies do.

I really tried his best to escaped their punches but i didn't  learn martial art(yes, not all asian know martial arts), so i ended up getting hit, attacked.

Y/N saw enough, although she was sobbing horribly, she knew she had to do something or else i would be hurt even more.

She wiped her tears away, and started pulling the gang off of me, punching them to make sure they won't continue try to fight.

She got to me, i had quite a number of bruises all over my body.

She turned her head to face them, and yelled

"Get away from us! Don't come back! Kaigo, you're horrible!"

The boy who i assume is Kaigo snickered and said fine while dragging his gang members along with him.

After they were gone, Y/N turned to face me, her face still wet with tears and her nose red from crying.

"I'm so so sorry! So i call an ambulance? Oh gosh! That's why i shouldn't have talked to you, you end up getting hurt! And.. And-"

"Shh, it's ok, it's just a few bruises"

I got up and sat down at the chair

She got up and sat down too

"A-are you sure? I..well I'm sorry i got you into this"

"It's fine, i can just get Jin hyung to help apply medicine or something"

I said as i smiled at her.

She didn't reply so we just sat there in silence

"Why did you come her again?"
She said

"I wanted to see you again"

"But why?"

"Because i like you"

She frozed, but then said

"How could you be so sure? You just met me yesterday"

"Well how could you be so sure that you like me by watching videos of me?"

"I...I don't know, i guess i never thought about it. I-I guess it's your personality i see during those videos, how you treat the rest of bangtan so well, and how you still don't treat them badly even though you know that people like them more than you.."

"I could be acting too you know?"


"I just know, i just know that i like you"

"And that's the same reason on why i like you Y/N"

"I just know it even though i just met you yesterday, we click so well, i can just forget that I'm an idol and can just have a nice conversation with you, i can feel... Normal with you. I forget about all the hate comments, forget about all the stress i have and forget that people have expectations for me"

"I know that i won't be able to be with you all the time due to my career but i still want to be with you.. Please, accept me"

I said as i did a slight bow and stayed at that position.

Y/N pushed me back up such that i can face her

"I like you too, very very much but we're moving so fast, too fast for me to process, maybe after we hang out more than i can accept you"

"It's okay, i understand. How about we just hangout now?"

She said as she smiled.

The Library (Kim Namjoon/RM X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now