i like her(3)

529 19 3


36% 8:02pm


Hey Y/N! Are you awake?

Yeah I'm awake, did you eat dinner yet?

No not yet, hbu?

I ate already, you should too!

Alright, I'll do that but after i talk to your for a while.

Oh yeah, by the way, why did you talk to me and give me your number?

Because you seemed like a nice girl and i was getting kind of bored talking to the same old people.

Oh, i see. So what do you want to talk about?

Hmm i don't know

Blah blah blah, they finished talking and stuff.

"Hm, i should go shower and eat something, maybe i could get Jin Hyung to make me something"

You finished showering and went over to Jin's room asking him to make you something to eat.

Jin finished making the food and you took your bowl of food.

You sat down infront of the television and watched a movie
(cough, y'all should watch "One Line" since Jin Goo is in it)
Jin joined you and watched the movie with you.

"Jin, i think i like a fan"

"Oh! Good to know? You know if you date a fan there'll be a ton of people who would give hate to her right?"

"Ya i know but she's very nice and friendly and pretty-"

"But wait, when was the first time you've met her?"

"Um today"

"Aish, then how do you know you love her when you just met her?'

"I don't know hyung, i just know it"

"Well whatever happens,I'll just support you. Do anyone else know?"

"No, no one else know and i want to keep it that way"

"Ok Joon"

"Let's just continue watching this movie, hm?"

"Ok hyung"

Movie ended, you both went back to your rooms

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