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Bonjour! Nyan-chan here, this is the 2nd chapter thing. This chapter is gonna be longer than the last chapter. This one includes Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova; though mainly Bulgaria and Moldova. This one is all Bulgaria's P.O.V. Now, Let's begin! ~Nyan-chan*



Bulgaria's P.O.V.-
It was 11:38PM on Friday and I was watching TV, when the phone started to ring.*ring!ring!ring!*

"Really? Why this late?!"

I paused my TV and leaned over my dark green couch to grab my cellphone from the coffee table.

*ring!ring!rin-* "Hello?" I said groggily.

"Bulgaria! Hey! I need a favor!" It was my best friend, Romania.

Why this late at night?!

"Ugg, what is it? It's too late for this..."

"Sorry, but I needed someone to babysit my little brother, and I thought of you since you're my best friend! I'm really busy with some errands tomorrow so I can't watch over him, so please?"

"Couldn't you have called me earlier?!" I said, getting aggravated.

"Well, I had forgotten till a few minutes ago, but I remembered when I saw a photo of Me, You, and Moldova from last year's Christmas Party!"

I blushed a bit since he had kept that picture of all of us. It was one of the only picture that had all of us in it together and once we had looked, Romania said I looked adorable, making me blush instantly. I quickly shook my head, dismissing the memory.

"Ok ok, I guess I can since I'm not doing much tomorrow."

"Really? Thanks Bulgaria!"

"So, would it be ok if I came over around 11:30AM?"

"I'm leaving at 11:35 so yeah, that'd be perfect!"

"Ok, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Romania hung up the phone.

I put down the phone and laid back down on my couch.

What have I gotten myself into?

-•Next Morning at 11:33•-

I had just gotten out of my car and was walking to Romania's front door with a suitcase full of clothes and some other necessities. I'd been driving for what seemed like days to get to Romania's house, so all I wanted to do was lay down and relax.

As I went to ring the doorbell, the door opened and I saw Romania with his cute smile. Wait, cute? SHUT UP ME! I mentally pounded myself.

Romania glomped me, knocking me and him down onto the ground. I grumbled as my butt hit the hard ground. Romania ended up straddling me. I face-palmed myself, then blushed a light red colour.

"Bulgaria! Good morning!"

"How can you have so much energy in the morning? It's inhuman."

"I was just excited to see you!"

I sighed, only to see Romania finally notice the position we were in. He brightly blushed, crawling off me and standing up to offer me a hand of help. Which I politely accepted. He pulled me up from the ground and brushed himself off. With his cheeks still tinted pink, Romania cleared his throat and invited me in. I nodded curtly and walked into the large house.

I looked around to see Moldova, Romania's little brother, happily watching a cartoon. He turned around at the sound of the door opening and gave me a small smile then turned back to the television screen.

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