It's Not A Date!

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OK, ok, blah, blah, Blah, Welcome, sorry I haven't posted in a while, enjoy, comment, vote, later! ~Nyan-chan*

P.S. There is some cussing in here but it's bleeped out so no worries. And small suggestive themes I guess.

Pa- Bye is Romanian
Chao- Bye in Bulgarian


It's Not A Date!

-Romania's P.O.V.-

I sat quietly with legs crossed and my head resting on my hand. Germany had been speaking for what seemed like hours about all the problems going on in his country and other things. The World Meeting was boring as hell without Prussia or some other hyper country coming in to interupt it. I turned my attention to Germany to hear him closing the meeting and dismissing everyone back to their respective countries.

Germany cleared his throat quickly. "Zat is all for today's conference, you may all pack up and leave." Everyone nodded and packed up all their papers to leave. As I got up I saw Italy jump on Germany and say 'Hug me Germany!', at which Germany sighs and complies. In the corner of my eye I saw Japan taking pictures, I laughed a bit and turned to leave the conference room, only to have a hand grab my shoulder.

I turned around quickly to see America in his usual bomber jacket. I sighed, wanting to go home soon and take a nap, but I listened to what he had to say.

"Hey vampire dude! I've been meaning to give you something!" I looked at him questioningly, seeing him hold out in his hands what looks like amusement park tickets.

"I wanted to give you these tickets cause you look like someone who would like amusement parks so I thought you'd love this! I would go but it's for couples and I don't think Iggy will come with me right now." He said the last part with a light blush on his face.

"Well, who would you expect me to go with? I don't have a girlfriend myself."

"I was thinking you could go with that yogurt guy, what's his name? You two seem sorta close." He winked on the last word. My face reddened at the realization of what America meant.

"M-me and Bulgaria don't have a relationship like that! We're just f-friends!"

"Oh really? You two seem pretty close to me."

"No really! We're just g-good friends."

"Whatever you say." He smiled and handed me the tickets. "I've gotta go now, Iggy will be wondering where I am. Later!" America left toward the doorway, where England apparently was standing. I chuckled a bit and shoved the tickets into my pocket. I wasn't really very sure what I was going to do with them, but I'd figure it out later.


I woke up way too late for my liking. 12:35. I went into the kitchen and made some Earl Grey tea, then sat down on my couch. I sipped a bit of my tea and turned to the coffee table to see two small pieces of paper on it.

Oh yeah, the tickets. I sat my cup down and picked up the tickets. They were tickets for this Friday. The park was one that was located in Romania and America, thankfully. I read more and saw the part where it said 'For Couples Only.' I sighed. For couples huh? The only girl I know well is Hungary... I growled. Never!

I thought over the people close to me. Moldova, my younger brother, but he was busy. And Bulgaria... I blushed brightly as I thought back to what America had said.

'You two seem sorta close.'

I sighed. Well... I guess I could check with him to see if he's free. But it's not a date or anything!

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